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dsjohnson committed Dec 31, 2014
1 parent eb35431 commit c10ec08
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Showing 8 changed files with 193 additions and 163 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion NAMESPACE
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# Generated by roxygen2 (4.0.2): do not edit by hand

166 changes: 82 additions & 84 deletions R/r_wrappers.R
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#' @description This function assimilates the data and desirted model to create a likelihood function that is a function with only one argument, \code{par},
#' This likelihood function can teither be optimized via \code{\link{optim}} or placed within an MCMC routine.
#' @param dnm_survival A model statement for the survival parameters of the N-mixture portion of the model
#' @param dnm_recruit A model statement for the recruitment portion of the N-mixture model
#' @param dnm_det A model statement for the the detection portion of the N-mixture model
#' @param survival A model statement for the survival parameters of the N-mixture portion of the model
#' @param recruit A model statement for the recruitment portion of the N-mixture model
#' @param detection A model statement for the the detection portion of the N-mixture model
#' @param kf_survival_effects A model statement describing the difference between the known-fate survival and the survival of the N-mixture described in
#' \code{dnm_survival}.
#' @param fixed_list A list object with named entries: \code{survival}, \code{recruit}, and \code{det}. Each of the entries is a vector of length
Expand All @@ -17,10 +17,8 @@
#' then time within group. The data must contain the following \code{colnames}:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{group} A factor variable indicating the survey group.
#' \item \code{num_released} The number of known-fate individuals released into the population at the time of the survey
#' \item \code{num_returns} The number of known-fate individuals observed at each survey time. These are a binomial sample of the \code{num_release} of the
#' previous row.
#' \item \code{n} The observed abundance count at each survey time.
#' \item \code{R} The number of new KF individuals sampled from the population at each time.
#' }
#' The \code{kf_survival_effects} model state provides a method for specifying the \emph{difference} in survival between the N-mixtue individuals and the
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -178,81 +176,81 @@ make_ikfdnm_sampler = function(dnm_survival=~1, dnm_recruit=~1, dnm_det=~1, kf_s

#' @title Perform MCMC sampling for integrated known-fate, dynamic N-mixture model
#' @description This function used a KFDNM likelihood function, as well as, a user defined prior distribution
#' for the parameters and uses it to perform MCMC sampling of the parameter vector.
#' @param kfdnm_lik A likelihood function created with the \code{\link{make_ikfdnm_likelihood}} function
#' @param prior_dist A user defined function that evaluates to the log-prior distribution of the parameter vector
#' @param sample_N Logical indicating that the abundance process should be sampled.
#' @param sample_SG Logical indicating wheather the survival (S) and recruitement process should be sampled.
#' @param burn The number of iterations for burnin of the MCMC algorithm
#' @param iter The number of MCMC iterations
#' @param block Block size for adaptation of proposal variance.
#' @param par Initial parameter value. If not provided a optimization is executed first to obtain
#' realistic initial values.
#' @return A list containg the MCMC sample of parameters, abundance, and dynamic abundance components.

ikfdnm_mcmc = function(dnm_survival=~1, dnm_recruit=~1, dnm_det=~1, kf_survival_effects=NULL,
fixed_list=NULL, data, N_max, ln_prior, sample_abundance=FALSE,
burn, iter, block, par){
dnm_survival=dnm_survival, dnm_recruit=dnm_recruit, dnm_det=dnm_det,
kf_survival_effects=kf_survival_effects, fixed_list=fixed_list,
data=data, N_max=N_max
NSG_sampler = make_ikfdnm_sampler(
dnm_survival=dnm_survival, dnm_recruit=dnm_recruit, dnm_det=dnm_det,
kf_survival_effects=kf_survival_effects, fixed_list=fixed_list,
data=data, N_max=N_max
d = attr(kfdnm_lik, "npar")
ln_post = function(par){-n2ll(par)/2 + prior_dist(par)}
message("Computing starting values...")
par_curr=optim(rep(0,d), ln_post, control=list(fnscale=-0.5))$par
} else{par_curr=par}
ln_post_curr = ln_post(par_curr)
tune = 2.4^2/d
Sigma = 0.01*diag(d)
r_opt = 0.234
r_hist = rep(0,burn+iter)
par_store = matrix(NA, burn+iter, d)
### Update par
message("Begininng MCMC...")
pb = txtProgressBar(min = 1, max = burn+iter, style = 3)
for(i in 1:(burn+iter)){
par_prop = par_curr + sqrt(tune)*crossprod(chol(Sigma),rnorm(d,0,1))
ln_post_prop = ln_post(par_prop)
mh = exp(ln_post_prop - ln_post_curr)
par_curr = par_prop
r_hist[i] = 1
ln_post_curr =ln_post_prop
### Adapt par update proposal
r_hat = sum(r_hist[(i-block+1):i])/block
Sigma_hat = var(par_store[(i-block+1):i,])
tune=exp(log(tune) + 2*((i/block)^-0.8)*(r_hat-r_opt))
Sigma = Sigma + ((i/block)^-0.8)*(Sigma_hat-Sigma)
### Update abundance

message("Processing posterior sample for output...")
# #' @title Perform MCMC sampling for integrated known-fate, dynamic N-mixture model
# #' @description This function used a KFDNM likelihood function, as well as, a user defined prior distribution
# #' for the parameters and uses it to perform MCMC sampling of the parameter vector.
# #'
# #' @param kfdnm_lik A likelihood function created with the \code{\link{make_ikfdnm_likelihood}} function
# #' @param prior_dist A user defined function that evaluates to the log-prior distribution of the parameter vector
# #' @param sample_N Logical indicating that the abundance process should be sampled.
# #' @param sample_SG Logical indicating wheather the survival (S) and recruitement process should be sampled.
# #' @param burn The number of iterations for burnin of the MCMC algorithm
# #' @param iter The number of MCMC iterations
# #' @param block Block size for adaptation of proposal variance.
# #' @param par Initial parameter value. If not provided a optimization is executed first to obtain
# #' realistic initial values.
# #' @return A list containg the MCMC sample of parameters, abundance, and dynamic abundance components.
# ikfdnm_mcmc = function(dnm_survival=~1, dnm_recruit=~1, dnm_det=~1, kf_survival_effects=NULL,
# fixed_list=NULL, data, N_max, ln_prior, sample_abundance=FALSE,
# burn, iter, block, par){
# n2ll=make_ikfdnm_likelihood(
# dnm_survival=dnm_survival, dnm_recruit=dnm_recruit, dnm_det=dnm_det,
# kf_survival_effects=kf_survival_effects, fixed_list=fixed_list,
# data=data, N_max=N_max
# )
# NSG_sampler = make_ikfdnm_sampler(
# dnm_survival=dnm_survival, dnm_recruit=dnm_recruit, dnm_det=dnm_det,
# kf_survival_effects=kf_survival_effects, fixed_list=fixed_list,
# data=data, N_max=N_max
# )
# d = attr(kfdnm_lik, "npar")
# ln_post = function(par){-n2ll(par)/2 + prior_dist(par)}
# if(missing(par)){
# message("Computing starting values...")
# par_curr=optim(rep(0,d), ln_post, control=list(fnscale=-0.5))$par
# } else{par_curr=par}
# ln_post_curr = ln_post(par_curr)
# tune = 2.4^2/d
# Sigma = 0.01*diag(d)
# r_opt = 0.234
# r_hist = rep(0,burn+iter)
# par_store = matrix(NA, burn+iter, d)
# ### Update par
# message("Begininng MCMC...")
# flush.console()
# pb = txtProgressBar(min = 1, max = burn+iter, style = 3)
# for(i in 1:(burn+iter)){
# par_prop = par_curr + sqrt(tune)*crossprod(chol(Sigma),rnorm(d,0,1))
# ln_post_prop = ln_post(par_prop)
# mh = exp(ln_post_prop - ln_post_curr)
# if(runif(1,0,1)<=mh){
# par_curr = par_prop
# r_hist[i] = 1
# ln_post_curr =ln_post_prop
# }
# par_store[i,]=par_curr
# ### Adapt par update proposal
# if(i%%block==0){
# r_hat = sum(r_hist[(i-block+1):i])/block
# Sigma_hat = var(par_store[(i-block+1):i,])
# tune=exp(log(tune) + 2*((i/block)^-0.8)*(r_hat-r_opt))
# Sigma = Sigma + ((i/block)^-0.8)*(Sigma_hat-Sigma)
# }
# ### Update abundance
# if(sample_abundance){
# abund=NSG_sampler(par_curr)
# }
# setTxtProgressBar(pb,i)
# }
# close(pb)
# message("Processing posterior sample for output...")
# return(list(
# par_sample=par_store,
# accept=r_hist
# ))
# }
26 changes: 19 additions & 7 deletions R/sim_group.R
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#' @export
sim_group = function(num_kf, num_years, num_surveys, recruit_rate, init_rate,
sim_data = function(num_kf, num_years, num_surveys, recruit_rate, init_rate,
survival_dnm, survival_kf, perfect_survey_rate, detection){
out = data.frame(year=rep(1:num_years, each=num_surveys))
out$survey=rep(1:num_surveys, num_years)
out$perfect_survey=rbinom(num_years*num_surveys, 1, perfect_survey_rate)
out$Y = 0
out$R = 0
N = rep(NA,num_years*num_surveys)
N[1] = rpois(1,init_rate)+num_kf
S = rep(NA,num_years*num_surveys)
G = rep(0,num_years*num_surveys)
for(r in 2:(num_years*num_surveys)){
out$Y[r]=rbinom(1, out$Y[r-1]+out$R[r-1], survival_kf)
S[r]=rbinom(1, N[r-1]-out$R[r-1], survival_dnm)
if(out$survey[r]==1) {
N[r] = S[r]+ G[r]
out$R[r]= min(num_kf-out$Y[r], N[r])
# if(out$survey[r]==1){
# out$R[r]= min(num_kf-out$Y[r], N[r])
# }
det=rep(detection, num_years*num_surveys)
det=ifelse(out$perfect_survey==1, 1, det)
out$n = rbinom(num_years*num_surveys, N-out$R, det)

for(i in 1:num_years){
Y = matrix(nrow=num_surveys, ncol=num_kf)
Y[1,] = 1
for(j in 2:num_surveys){
Y[j,] = rbinom(n=num_kf, size=Y[j-1,], prob=survival_kf)
id = rep(paste(i, 1:num_kf, sep="-"), each=num_surveys)
survey=rep(1:num_surveys, num_kf)
out_kf = rbind(out_kf, data.frame(id, year=i, survey, CH))

return(list(dnm_data=out, kf_data=out_kf))
52 changes: 28 additions & 24 deletions demo/sim_data_example.R
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Expand Up @@ -3,40 +3,44 @@ require(kfdnm)
### Create data to mimic wolf pack example

dnm_data = NULL
kf_data = NULL
for(i in 1:num_groups){
data = rbind(data,
num_kf = 3,
num_years = 5,
num_surveys = 10,
recruit_rate = 4,
init_rate = 6,
survival_dnm = 0.95,
survival_kf = 0.95,
perfect_survey_rate = 0.1,
detection = 0.5
data_list = sim_data(
num_kf = 3,
num_years = 5,
num_surveys = 10,
recruit_rate = 4,
init_rate = 6,
survival_dnm = 0.95,
survival_kf = 0.95,
perfect_survey_rate = 0.1,
detection = 0.5
data_list$kf_data$id = paste(i, data_list$kf_data$id, sep="-")
dnm_data = rbind(dnm_data, data_list$dnm_data)
kf_data = rbind(kf_data, data_list$kf_data)
data$group = rep(1:num_groups, each=5*10)
kf_data$id = factor(kf_data$id)
dnm_data$group = factor(dnm_data$group)

### Create list of fixed parameters

fixed_list = list(survival=rep(NA, nrow(data)),
recruit=ifelse(data$year!=1 & data$survey==1, NA, 0),
det=ifelse(data$perfect==1, 1, NA)
fixed_list = list(
recruit=ifelse(dnm_data$year!=1 & dnm_data$survey==1, NA, 0),
detection=ifelse(dnm_data$perfect==1, 1, NA)

### Make likelihood function
n2ll_kfdnm = make_ikfdnm_likelihood(dnm_survival=~1, dnm_recruit=~1, dnm_det=~1, kf_survival_effects=NULL,
fixed_list=fixed_list, data=data, N_max=50)
n2ll_kfdnm = make_ikfdnm_likelihood(survival=~1, recruit=~1, detection=~1, kf_survival_effects=NULL,
fixed_list=fixed_list, kf_data=kf_data, dnm_data=dnm_data, N_max=50)

### Optimize and obtain estimates and variance-covariance matrix
Expand All @@ -56,8 +60,8 @@ se = sqrt(diag(2*solve(mle$hessian)))

# omega
cat("Annual survival: \n")
cat(plogis(par[1])^10, "(", plogis(par[1]-2*se[1])^10, ",",plogis(par[1]+2*se[1])^10, ")\n")
cat("Survival: \n")
cat(plogis(par[1]), "(", plogis(par[1]-2*se[1]), ",",plogis(par[1]+2*se[1]), ")\n")

# gamma
cat("Recruitment rate:")
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34 changes: 0 additions & 34 deletions man/ikfdnm_mcmc.Rd

This file was deleted.


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