- React 18
- Redux Toolkit
- SASS - Multi Theme Support
- CSRF, CORS, Hashed Passwords
- AWS S3
- SQLite/ProstgreSQL Database
- Flask
In the project root folder use: pipenv install
Create database with: pipenv run flask db init && pipenv run flask db migrate && pipenv run flask db upgrade && pipenv run flask seed all
In the react-app folder use: npm i
To start the back end: In the root folder use: pipenv run flask run
To start the front end: In react-app folder use: npm start
To compile scss files: In react-app folder use: npm run gulp
This project was created to be a base for anyone to create a flask application.
If you would like to contribute please create a fork of the dev branch and create a pull request.
You may also create an issue with code fixes if you do not want to create a pull request.