This is the git repo for the main website of the National Student Association of Medical Research.
Software written by NSAMR is released under the GNU General Public License version 3, as is its parent OJS3. The GNU GPLv3 license allows reuse and redistribution of software in whole or in part, but requires that anyone who distributes code or a derivative work must make the source available under the same terms. The text of the GNU GPLv3 license can be viewed here:
The website is built using WordPress, which is released under the GNU GPL version 2 (or later) .
All images are either original to NSAMR, or are CC-BY licensed.
The "NSAMR" theme is a child theme of theme "Assan", which can be purchased commercially, and for which the PHP code is released under the GNU GPL version 2 (or later).
Pull requests to any of our software are welcomed and appreciated.
- WordPress
- AMP stack
- PHP / JS / jQuery
- CSS / Bootstrap:
- Sass / Compass
- Code style guide:
- SMACSS Base Style Rules (
- FontAwesome
If on our server:
- Use Softaculous installer
- Set the database details to something sensible and write them down
If local:
- Set up AMP stack (MAMP: or WAMP)
- Create local db
- Open localhost:$port in browser
- Set up wordpress
- Grab the latest backup using script in github/backup_scripts (you have to add the server's password to this file -- read the commented out section at the top)
- Restore to your local db so you’re working on the current release
- Create empty directory wp-content/plugins (otherwise installing first plugin will fail)
Both cases:
- It would be a good idea to add your public key to .ssh/authorized_keys via the filebrowser (either via SSH or in cPanel)
In network admin dashboard:
- TODO: Network Settings choices
In network admin dashboard:
- Upload the Scalia theme's zip file (in gDrive)
- Upload the NSAMR Scalia's zip file (in gDrive) -- this is a child theme of Scalia
- Activate NSAMR Scalia theme in Appearance --> Themes
- Network-activate NSAMR Scalia theme
- Network-deactivate and then delete all other themes except the parent Scalia an the child NSAMR Scalia
In NSAMR site dashboard:
- Activate NSAMR Scalia theme
- Install all plugins the theme wants, both required and recommended
Then in network admin dashboard again:
- Network-activate all the plugins
In network admin dashboard: Plugins --> Add New (blue button), install and network-activate:
- Under Construction (
- Wordfence Security (
In NSAMR site dashboard:
- Plugins --> Under Construction --> Settings
- --> Main: Activate: on
- --> Content: Headliine "Coming soon..."
- --> Content: remove text in "Content" box
- Wordfence --> Options
- Send email alerts to [email protected]
Note: the Scalia importer only works if the parent Scalia theme is activated -- it's fine to switch back to NSAMR Scalia after importing.
In NSAMR site dashboard:
- Scalia Import --> Import main demo content (button) (this takes aaaages)
- Follow Scalia's included instructions for setting up demo content in the first instance
- Appearance --> Theme options --> General --> Identity
- Upload NSAMR logo of correct size to each option in
- Appearance --> Theme options --> General --> Colors --> Background and main colors:
- Background color for boxed layout: #586F7C
- Basic background color for website:
- Top background color:
NB: Deactivate underconstruction when ready to launch
Compile CSS for NSAMR theme The NSAMR theme uses Sass and SCSS, so you need to set up automagical compilation of style.css file every time you update any of the files
- Navigate to wp-content/themes/nsamr
- Set up compass:
compass config config.rb
- Open config.rb
- Set css_dir to “/”
- Set sass_dir to “assets/sass”
- Set images_dir to “assets/images”
- Set javascripts_dir to “assets/js”
- (Leave http_path as it is)
- Uncomment line 12 (output_style), then recomment after “expanded”
- Uncomment line 18 (line_comments)
- Run compass (compass watch)
- --> wp-content/themes/nsamr/style.css should be created
Don’t commit compiled files, e.g.
- style.css (wordpress theme file)
- config.rb (from compass)
- Maor security