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Tutorial for nonaxisymmetric point-dipole sources in cylindrical coor…
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* tutorial for nonaxisymmetric point-dipole sources in cylindrical coordinates

* add results comparing radiated flux obtained from LED simulation in cylindrical coordinates to 3d

* additional results and fixes

* Expanded discussion on point sources as Dirac delta functions, power orthogonality, and polarization

* replace calculation of dimensionful radiated flux with dimensionless extraction efficiency

* additional notes on analytical expression for cutoff of Fourier series expansion

* update figures and text

* Update doc/docs/Python_Tutorials/

Co-authored-by: Steven G. Johnson <[email protected]>

* Update doc/docs/Python_Tutorials/

Co-authored-by: Steven G. Johnson <[email protected]>

* Update doc/docs/Python_Tutorials/

* Update doc/docs/Python_Tutorials/

* Update doc/docs/Python_Tutorials/

* Update doc/docs/Python_Tutorials/

Co-authored-by: Steven G. Johnson <[email protected]>


Co-authored-by: Steven G. Johnson <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
oskooi and stevengj authored Apr 6, 2023
1 parent b481302 commit b415cbf
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183 changes: 183 additions & 0 deletions doc/docs/Python_Tutorials/
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Expand Up @@ -585,3 +585,186 @@ Note that the volume specified in `get_farfields` via `center` and `size` is in
Shown below is the far-field energy-density profile around the focal length for both the *r* and *z* coordinate directions for three lens designs with $N$ of 25, 50, and 100. The focus becomes sharper with increasing $N$ due to the enhanced constructive interference of the diffracted beam. As the number of zones $N$ increases, the size of the focal spot (full width at half maximum) at $z = 200$ μm decreases as $1/\sqrt{N}$ (see eq. 17 of the [reference]( This means that doubling the resolution (halving the spot width) requires quadrupling the number of zones.


Nonaxisymmetric Dipole Sources

In [Tutorial/Local Density of States/Extraction Efficiency of a Light-Emitting Diode (LED)](, the extraction efficiency of an LED was computed using an axisymmetric point-dipole source at $r = 0$. This involved a single simulation with $m = \pm 1$. Simulating a point-dipole source at $r > 0$ (as shown in the schematic below) is more challenging because it is nonaxisymmetric whereas any point source at $r > 0$ is equivalent to an axisymmetric ring source.


A point-dipole source at $r_0 > 0$ can be represented as a Dirac delta function in space: $\delta(r - r_0)\delta(\phi)\delta(z) / r_0$. (The $r_0$ factor in the denominator is [necessary to ensure correct normalization]( In order to set up such a source using only axisymmetric simulations, it is necessary to expand the $\delta(\phi)$ term as a Fourier series of $\phi$: $\delta(\phi) = \frac{1}{2\pi} \sum_m e^{im\phi}$. (The Fourier transform of a Dirac delta function is a [constant]( Each spectral component has equal weighting in its Fourier-series expansion.)

Simulating a point-dipole source involves two parts: (1) perform a series of simulations for $m = 0, 1, 2, ..., M$ for some cutoff $M$ of the Fourier-series expansion (the solutions for $\pm m$ are simply complex conjugates), and (2) because of power orthogonality, sum the results from each $m$-simulation in post processing, where the $m > 0$ terms are multiplied by two to account for the $-m$ solutions. This procedure is described in more detail below.

Physically, the *total* field $E(x,y,z)$ is a sum of $E_m(r,z)e^{im\phi}$ terms, one for the solution at each $m$ (similarly for $H$). Computing the total Poynting flux, however, involves integrating $\Re [E \times H^*]$ over a surface that includes an integral over $\phi$ in the range $[0,2\pi]$. The key point is that the cross terms $E_mH^*_ne^{i(m-n)\phi}$ integrate to zero due to Fourier orthogonality. **The total Poynting flux is therefore simply a sum over the Poynting fluxes calculated separately for each $m$.**

A note regarding the source polarization at $r > 0$. The $\hat{x}$ polarization in 3d (the "in-plane" polarization) corresponds to the $\hat{r}$ polarization in cylindrical coordinates. An $\hat{r}$-polarized point-dipole source involves $\hat{r}$-polarized point sources in the $m$-simulations. Even though $\hat{r}$ is $\phi$-dependent, $\hat{r}$ is only evaluated at $\phi = 0$ because of $\delta(\phi)$. $\hat{r}$ is therefore equivalent to $\hat{x}$. This property does not hold for an $\hat{x}$-polarized point source at $r = 0$ (where $\delta(\phi)$ is replaced by $1/2\pi$): in that case, we write $\hat{x} = \hat{r}\cos(\phi) - \hat{\phi}\sin(\phi)$, and the $\sin$ and $\cos$ terms yield simulations for $m = \pm 1$. See also [Tutorial/Scattering Cross Section of a Finite Dielectric Cylinder](#scattering-cross-section-of-a-finite-dielectric-cylinder).

Two features of this method may provide a significant speedup compared to an identical 3d simulation:

1. Convergence of the Fourier series may require only a small number ($M + 1$) of simulations. For a given source position $r$, $M$ can be estimated analytically as $M \approx k r$ where $k = n\omega/c$ is the wavenumber of the source within the source medium. This comes from the fact that a source $\sim e^{im\phi}$ at $r$ oscillates in the angular direction with a spatial frequency $m/r$, but $m/r > k$ waves are evanescent, so for $m \gtrsim kr$ the radiated power tends to drop exponentially. As an example, a point-dipole source with wavelength of $1.0 \mu m$ at a radial position of $r = 1.0 \mu m$ within a medium of $n = 2.4$ would require roughly $M = 16$ simulations. (In practice, however, we can usually truncate the Fourier-series expansion earlier without significantly degrading accuracy whenever the radiated flux at some $m$ has dropped to some small fraction of its maximum value in the summation.) The plot below shows the radiated flux vs. $m$ for three different source positions used in this tutorial example. Generally, the farther the point source is from $r = 0$, the more simulations are required for the Fourier-series summation to converge.

2. Each $m$-simulation in the Fourier-series expansion is independent of the others. The simulations can therefore be executed simultaneously using an [embarassingly parallel]( approach.


As a demonstration, we compute the [extraction efficiency of an LED]( from a point dipole at $r = 0$ and three different locations at $r > 0$. In this test, the extraction efficiency should be independent of the dipole location. The results are compared to an [identical calculation in 3d]( for which the extraction efficiency is 0.333718. Results are shown in the table below. At this resolution, the relative error is at most ~4% even when $M + 1$ is relatively large (141). The error decreases with increasing resolution.

| `rpos` | **extraction efficiency** | **relative error** | $M + 1$ |
| 0 | 0.319556 | 0.042 | 1 |
| 3.5 | 0.319939 | 0.041 | 56 |
| 6.7 | 0.321860 | 0.036 | 101 |
| 9.5 | 0.324270 | 0.028 | 141 |

The simulation script is in [examples/](

from typing import Tuple

import meep as mp
import numpy as np

resolution = 80 # pixels/μm
n = 2.4 # refractive index of dielectric layer
wvl = 1.0 # wavelength (in vacuum)
fcen = 1 / wvl # center frequency of source/monitor

def led_flux(dmat: float, h: float, rpos: float, m: int) -> Tuple[float, float]:
"""Computes the radiated and total flux of a point source embedded
within a dielectric layer above a lossless ground plane.
dmat: thickness of dielectric layer.
h: height of dipole above ground plane as a fraction of dmat.
rpos: position of source in radial direction.
m: angular φ dependence of the fields exp(imφ).
The radiated and total flux as a 2-Tuple.
L = 20 # length of non-PML region in radial direction
dair = 1.0 # thickness of air padding
dpml = 1.0 # PML thickness
sr = L + dpml
sz = dmat + dair + dpml
cell_size = mp.Vector3(sr, 0, sz)

boundary_layers = [
mp.PML(dpml, direction=mp.R),
mp.PML(dpml, direction=mp.Z, side=mp.High),

src_pt = mp.Vector3(rpos, 0, -0.5 * sz + h * dmat)
sources = [
src=mp.GaussianSource(fcen, fwidth=0.1 * fcen),

geometry = [
center=mp.Vector3(0, 0, -0.5 * sz + 0.5 * dmat),
size=mp.Vector3(mp.inf, mp.inf, dmat),

sim = mp.Simulation(

flux_air_mon = sim.add_flux(
center=mp.Vector3(0.5 * L, 0, 0.5 * sz - dpml),
size=mp.Vector3(L, 0, 0),
center=mp.Vector3(L, 0, 0.5 * sz - dpml - 0.5 * dair),
size=mp.Vector3(0, 0, dair),
mp.dft_ldos(fcen, 0, 1),

flux_air = mp.get_fluxes(flux_air_mon)[0]

if rpos == 0:
dV = np.pi / (resolution**3)
dV = 2 * np.pi * rpos / (resolution**2)

# total flux from point source via LDOS
flux_src = -np.real(sim.ldos_Fdata[0] * np.conj(sim.ldos_Jdata[0])) * dV

print(f"flux-cyl:, {rpos:.2f}, {m:3d}, {flux_src:.6f}, {flux_air:.6f}")

return flux_air, flux_src

if __name__ == "__main__":
layer_thickness = 0.7 * wvl / n
dipole_height = 0.5

# r = 0 source requires a single simulation with m = ±1
rpos = 0
m = 1
flux_air, flux_src = led_flux(
ext_eff = flux_air / flux_src
print(f"exteff:, {rpos}, {ext_eff:.6f}")

# r > 0 source requires Fourier-series expansion of φ
flux_tol = 1e-5 # threshold flux to determine when to truncate expansion
rpos = [3.5, 6.7, 9.5]
for rp in rpos:
# analytic upper bound on m based on coupling to free-space modes
# in light cone of source medium
cutoff_M = int(rp * 2 * np.pi * fcen * n)
ms = range(cutoff_M + 1)
flux_src_tot = 0
flux_air_tot = 0
flux_air_max = 0
for m in ms:
flux_air, flux_src = led_flux(
flux_air_tot += flux_air if m == 0 else 2 * flux_air
flux_src_tot += flux_src if m == 0 else 2 * flux_src
if flux_air > flux_air_max:
flux_air_max = flux_air
if m > 0 and (flux_air / flux_air_max) < flux_tol:

ext_eff = flux_air_tot / flux_src_tot
print(f"exteff:, {rp}, {ext_eff:.6f}")
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion doc/docs/Python_Tutorials/
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Expand Up @@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ A more efficient approach to computing the total emitted power from the dipole i

To demonstrate this feature of the LDOS, we will compute the extraction efficiency of an LED-like structure consisting of a point dipole embedded within a dielectric layer ($n$=2.4 and thickness 0.7 $\lambda/n$) surrounded by vacuum and positioned above an infinite ground plane of a lossless metal. We will compute the extraction efficiency (at a wavelength $\lambda$ = 1.0 μm for a dipole with polarization parallel to the ground plane) as a function of the height of the dipole source above the ground plane using two different coordinate systems — 3D Cartesian and cylindrical — and demonstrate that the results are equivalent (apart from discretization error). The key difference is that simulation using cylindrical (2D) coordinates is significantly faster and more memory efficient than 3D.

The simulation setup is shown in the figures below for 3D Cartesian (cross section in $xz$) and cylindrical coordinates. (Note that this single-dipole calculation differs from the somewhat related flux calculation in [Tutorials/Custom Source/Stochastic Dipole Emission in Light Emitting Diodes]( which involved modeling a *collection* of dipoles.)
The simulation setup is shown in the figures below for 3D Cartesian (cross section in $xz$) and cylindrical coordinates. (Note that this single-dipole calculation differs from the somewhat related flux calculation in [Tutorials/Custom Source/Stochastic Dipole Emission in Light Emitting Diodes]( which involved modeling a *collection* of dipoles.) In this example, the point-dipole source is positioned at $r=0$ which involves a single simulation. Nonaxisymmetric dipoles positioned at $r>0$, however, are more challenging because they involve multiple simulations. For a demonstration, see [Cylindrical Coordinates/Nonaxisymmetric Dipole Sources](


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156 changes: 156 additions & 0 deletions python/examples/
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@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
"""Tutorial example for point-dipole sources in cylindrical coordinates.
This example demonstrates that the total and radiated flux from a point dipole
in a dielectric layer (a quantum well) above a lossless ground plane (an LED)
computed in cylindrical coordinates as part of the calculation of the extraction
efficiency is independent of the dipole's position in the radial direction.

from typing import Tuple

import meep as mp
import numpy as np

resolution = 80 # pixels/μm
n = 2.4 # refractive index of dielectric layer
wvl = 1.0 # wavelength (in vacuum)
fcen = 1 / wvl # center frequency of source/monitor

def led_flux(dmat: float, h: float, rpos: float, m: int) -> Tuple[float, float]:
"""Computes the radiated and total flux of a point source embedded
within a dielectric layer above a lossless ground plane.
dmat: thickness of dielectric layer.
h: height of dipole above ground plane as a fraction of dmat.
rpos: position of source in radial direction.
m: angular φ dependence of the fields exp(imφ).
The radiated and total flux as a 2-Tuple.
L = 20 # length of non-PML region in radial direction
dair = 1.0 # thickness of air padding
dpml = 1.0 # PML thickness
sr = L + dpml
sz = dmat + dair + dpml
cell_size = mp.Vector3(sr, 0, sz)

boundary_layers = [
mp.PML(dpml, direction=mp.R),
mp.PML(dpml, direction=mp.Z, side=mp.High),

src_pt = mp.Vector3(rpos, 0, -0.5 * sz + h * dmat)
sources = [
src=mp.GaussianSource(fcen, fwidth=0.1 * fcen),

geometry = [
center=mp.Vector3(0, 0, -0.5 * sz + 0.5 * dmat),
size=mp.Vector3(mp.inf, mp.inf, dmat),

sim = mp.Simulation(

flux_air_mon = sim.add_flux(
center=mp.Vector3(0.5 * L, 0, 0.5 * sz - dpml),
size=mp.Vector3(L, 0, 0),
center=mp.Vector3(L, 0, 0.5 * sz - dpml - 0.5 * dair),
size=mp.Vector3(0, 0, dair),
mp.dft_ldos(fcen, 0, 1),

flux_air = mp.get_fluxes(flux_air_mon)[0]

if rpos == 0:
dV = np.pi / (resolution**3)
dV = 2 * np.pi * rpos / (resolution**2)

# total flux from point source via LDOS
flux_src = -np.real(sim.ldos_Fdata[0] * np.conj(sim.ldos_Jdata[0])) * dV

print(f"flux-cyl:, {rpos:.2f}, {m:3d}, {flux_src:.6f}, {flux_air:.6f}")

return flux_air, flux_src

if __name__ == "__main__":
layer_thickness = 0.7 * wvl / n
dipole_height = 0.5

# r = 0 source requires a single simulation with m = ±1
rpos = 0
m = 1
flux_air, flux_src = led_flux(
ext_eff = flux_air / flux_src
print(f"exteff:, {rpos}, {ext_eff:.6f}")

# r > 0 source requires Fourier-series expansion of φ
flux_tol = 1e-5 # threshold flux to determine when to truncate expansion
rpos = [3.5, 6.7, 9.5]
for rp in rpos:
# analytic upper bound on m based on coupling to free-space modes
# in light cone of source medium
cutoff_M = int(rp * 2 * np.pi * fcen * n)
ms = range(cutoff_M + 1)
flux_src_tot = 0
flux_air_tot = 0
flux_air_max = 0
for m in ms:
flux_air, flux_src = led_flux(
flux_air_tot += flux_air if m == 0 else 2 * flux_air
flux_src_tot += flux_src if m == 0 else 2 * flux_src
if flux_air > flux_air_max:
flux_air_max = flux_air
if m > 0 and (flux_air / flux_air_max) < flux_tol:

ext_eff = flux_air_tot / flux_src_tot
print(f"exteff:, {rp}, {ext_eff:.6f}")

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