Welcome to Legends of Azeroth Pandaria 5.4.8 Alpha Project MoP 5.4.8 Build 18414 REPACK TORGHAST DOWNLOAD
- Platform: Linux, Windows or Mac
- Processor with SSE2 support
- boost_1_63_0-msvc-14.0-64
- MySQL = 5.7.0 (included for Windows)
- cmake-3.19.4-win64-x64 (Windows / Linux)
- OpenSS L= Win64OpenSSL-1_0_2d
- MS Visual Studio = 15 (2017) (Windows only)
Detailed installation guides are available in the wiki for
Database [https://github.com/NeverlandWOW/torghast-project-5.4.8/releases/tag/DBWORLDFULL]