Quick script to parse incoming mail and do a post with the content as JSON data.
The work flow is quite simple. The script reads the mail mime message from STDIN, parses the data and makes a POST call with RAW JSON to the url (passed as command line argument).
Example usage (command line):
cat mail.eml | python mailtojson.py -u https://dev.url/autoreply/handle.php
Example usage (postfix aliases):
mailtojson_autoreply: "|/nethosting/mailtojson/mailtojson.py -u https://dev.url/autoreply/handle.php"
header_key1: value
header_key2: value
subject: "The email subject as utf-8 string"
datetime: "2015-03-17 17:48:06"
encoding: "utf-8"
- { name: "Sender Name", email: "[email protected]" }
- { name: "Recipient Name", email: "[email protected]" }
- { name: "Recipient Name 2", email: "[email protected]" }
- { name: "Recipient Name", email: "[email protected]" }
- { name: "Recipient Name 2", email: "[email protected]" }
- { content_type: "text/plain", content: "body of this part", "headers": { "header_key1": value, "header_key2": value } }
- { content_type: "text/html", content: "body of this part", "headers": { "header_key1": value, "header_key2": value } }
- { filename": "invoice.pdf", content_type: "application/pdf", content: "base64 of binary data" }
- { filename": "invoice2.pdf", content_type: "application/pdf", content: "base64 of binary data" }
Here is a quick example of how to parse the JSON data posted by the mail to json script:
$json_str = file_get_contents("php://input");
$json_data = json_decode($json_str, true);
This code is released under MIT license by Newsman App - Smart Email Service Provider.