I have background in digital marketing, (Agile) project management, and UX/UI. My passion in web development is driven by a desire to transform creative ideas into interactive digital experiences. I also genuinely find fulfillment in creating websites and applications that bring positive benefits to individuals or businesses.
A bit about me✨:
🌱 My interest in coding has led me to participating in Web Development Bootcamp with neuefische
🧭 I enjoy outdoor activities, painting, puzzle games, traveling and flying/planes.
🎯 The top 5 things on my bucket list are:
- Develop my own app/website : Capstone project- Expiry Track 🚀
- Currently, I am on an adventure of building a game that makes learning each other's vocabularies more like fun quality time for multilingual pairs.
- Northern light hunting
- Skydiving
- Handshake with kangaroos
- Fly plane with flight simulator
- Develop my own app/website : Capstone project- Expiry Track 🚀