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Releases: NirvikNU/EMG-onset-detection


21 Dec 06:47
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This MATLAB package computes the onset and offset times of EMG signals based on the following publication:
Dapeng Yang, Huajie Zhang, Yikun Gu, Hong Liu, Accurate EMG onset detection in pathological, weak and noisy myoelectric signals. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, Volume 33, 2017, Pages 306-315,
The GUI interface also allows for manual correction and tuning of parameters of the automated algorithm
INPUTS: See active_EMG_auto.m for details of inputs
EXAMPLE: fake_EMG = rand(1000,100);
active_EMG = active_EMG_detector(fake_EMG,100,100,500,8,1000);
OUPUT: emg_active = [Time samples vs. epochs] of active EMG periods