At Scale Packet Synthesizer for University of Oregon Netflow
The project should be compiled and run by the following steps:
- Clone the repository
- Change directory to "TimelySend" for real-time based synthesization
- Issue "$ make" within the new directory via command line interface
- Setup a tcpdump in a new terminal to visualize functionality
- Run the program via "$ sudo ./packetize [Netflow CSV File] [Ethernet sHost] [Ethernet dHost] [Network Interface]"
Note that the "Netflow CSV File" should have the following sections delimited by commas:
- Start Timestamp in Epoch Format
- End Timestamp in Epoch Formatt
- Source IP Address
- Destination IP Address
- Source Port Number
- Destination Port Number
- IP Header Protocol Number
- Type of Service Value (from IP Header)
- TCP Flags
- Number of Packets
- Number of Bytes
- Router Ingress Port
- Router Egress Port
- Source Autonomous System
- Destination Autonomous System