Oslo CTM3 v1.1
Developer: Stefanie Falk
Organization: MetOs
Date: 2018-2019
v1.0 -> v1.1
Update of dry deposition scheme -> mOSaic
- Mosaic approach accounting for different vegetation types
based on Simpson et al. (2012).
- Published in the journal of Geoscience Model Development
Stefanie Falk and Amund Søvde Haslerud
Geosci. Model Dev., 12, 4705–4728, 2019
- For details of the implemented mOSaic scheme refer to the
publication above.
- The dry deposition velocities have changed.
Code and structure has been tidied up
- The routine for computing a local Monin-Obukhov length
has been moved from pbl_mixing.f90 to utilities_oslo.f90.
The same routine is now used throughout the code.
- The runscript (c3run) has been extended for easier use.
- Modifications related to run on sigma2 SAGA.
- Only the files in tables which are in use are copied to
WORK directory.
- Hard coded paths have been moved to *.job.
- The README has been extended regarding "quick start".
- Easy switch between old and new dry deposition scheme.
- Slightly more flexible output handling.