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Big Picture | HTML5 UP
Languapps creates a JWT token for users when they sign up and updatates that token when they sign in and out.
Nostrathomas@ | [email protected]
Free for personal and commercial use under the CCA 3.0 license (

Credits to the single page responsive site template cloned from aj at HTML5UP.

Languapps is a project to provide a forum for self-directed language learners. I started 
this as a jeckyll blog hosted and launched by github pages and there are scraps of code
from that era. The page makes heavy use of the "scrollgress" and "scrollwatch" jQuery 
plugins to pull off some interesting effects as you scroll around the page. In addition 
to said interesting effects, Big Picture also includes a nice lightbox-style gallery, 
styling for basic page elements, and thoroughly commented code for your editing pleasure.

Many thanks to my good friends Steve Anderson github id - bootladder for helping me with 
the initial code commits. 

[email protected] |

PS: That contact form is from It's awesome free for the last 4 years.



		Languapps was cloned from aj's single pager so it's way simpler to work with than
		some of the heavier stuff he's released in the past. In fact, aside from
		a main page <header> and <footer>, it's pretty much just a stack of "main"
		<section> elements that follow the same basic pattern:

			<section id="foobar" class="main">
				<div class="content container">

		The section can then be assigned a style class to determine its basic
		look (and, in some cases, its behavior):

				Centered content with an oversized <h2>. Works best when
				paired with a background image or color.

			style2 left
				Content in a box, anchored to the left side of the window. Works
				best when paired with a background image or color. If you have
				"useSectionTransitions" turned on in your settings, the box will
				slide into view from the left.

			style2 right
				Content in a box, anchored to the right side of the window. Works
				best when paired with a background image or color. If you have
				"useSectionTransitions" turned on in your settings, the box will
				slide into view from the right.

			style3 primary
				Used for generic content. Set against the primary background
				color (default is white).

			style3 secondary
				Used for generic content. Set against the secondary background
				color (default is a light gray).

		Oh, and there are a few (well, two) optional modifier classes you can
		tack on for additional effects:

				Flips the content's color scheme so it shows up better
				against darker background images and colors.

				Makes the section fill the entire window (only if "useFullScreen"
				is enabled in your settings).

	Lightbox Gallery:

 		The actual gallery function is powered by my Poptrox plugin. For info on
 		how that works, go here:

		Each image (the '...' bit in the above examples) should look like this:

			<article class="from-(direction)">
				<a href="path/to/fullsize.jpg" class="image fit">
					<img src="path/to/thumbnail.jpg" title="This is the image caption." alt="" />

		The "from-(direction)" class indicates the direction from which the image should
		slide into view, and can be any of the following:


		You can also just remove the "from-(direction)" class if you don't want that particular
		image to slide into view (in which case it'll simply fade in).

	Contact Form:

		To get this working, place a script on your server to receive the form data, then
		point the "action" attribute to it (eg. action="http://mydomain.tld/mail.php").
		More on how it all works here:


     	Powered by Font Awesome. Go here for a full listing of all the icons you can use:


		Font Awesome (

		jQuery (
		Poptrox (
		Scrollex (
		Responsive Tools (