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Halbaroth committed Oct 9, 2024
1 parent 19879e6 commit ca12e2b
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Showing 11 changed files with 153 additions and 839 deletions.
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion rsc/extra/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -187,7 +187,6 @@ subgraph cluster_lib {
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/lib/dune
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
; structures
Commands Errors Explanation Fpa_rounding
Profiling Satml_types Symbols
Expr Var Ty Typed Xliteral ModelMap Id Objective Literal
Expr Var Ty Xliteral ModelMap Id Objective Literal
; util
Emap Gc_debug Hconsing Hstring Heap Loc Numbers Uqueue
Options Timers Util Vec Version Steps Printer
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1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion src/lib/frontend/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -452,7 +452,6 @@ module Make(SAT : Sat_solver_sig.S) : S with type sat_env = SAT.t = struct
check_if_over (internal_assume ~loc:d.st_loc (n, f, mf)) env
| PredDef (f, name) ->
check_if_over (internal_pred_def ~loc:d.st_loc (name, f)) env
| RwtDef _ -> assert false
| Query (n, f, sort) ->
(* If we have reached an unknown state, we can return it right
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178 changes: 131 additions & 47 deletions src/lib/frontend/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -761,55 +761,139 @@ let handle_patt_var id (DE.{ term_descr; _ } as term) =
"Expected a variable in a case match but got %a"
DE.Term.print term

(** Helper function to translate patterns in a pattern-matching from a Dolmen
Term.t to an Alt-Ergo Expr.t *)
let mk_pattern DE.{ term_descr; _ } =
match term_descr with
| App (
{ term_descr =
Cst ({ builtin = B.Constructor { adt; case; }; _ } as cst); _
}, _, pargs
) ->
let vnames =
begin match DT.definition adt with
| Some (Adt { cases; _ }) ->
let { DE.dstrs; _ } = cases.(case) in
Array.fold_right (
fun v acc ->
match v with
| Some dstr -> dstr :: acc
| _ -> assert false
) dstrs []
| _ ->
"Expected a constructor for an algebraic data type but got\
something else for the definition of: %a"
DE.Ty.Const.print adt
module Match = struct
type pat =
| Var of Var.t
| Constr of DE.term_cst * (Var.t * DE.term_cst * Ty.t) list

(** Helper function to translate patterns in a pattern-matching from a Dolmen
Term.t to an Alt-Ergo Expr.t *)
let mk_pat DE.{ term_descr; _ } =
match term_descr with
| App (
{ term_descr =
Cst ({ builtin = B.Constructor { adt; case; }; _ } as cst); _
}, _, pargs
) ->
let vnames =
begin match DT.definition adt with
| Some (Adt { cases; _ }) ->
let { DE.dstrs; _ } = cases.(case) in
Array.fold_right (
fun v acc ->
match v with
| Some dstr -> dstr :: acc
| _ -> assert false
) dstrs []
| _ ->
"Expected a constructor for an algebraic data type but got\
something else for the definition of: %a"
DE.Ty.Const.print adt
let rev_args =
List.fold_left2 (
fun acc rn arg ->
let v, n, ty = handle_patt_var rn arg in
(v, n, ty) :: acc
) [] vnames pargs
Constr (cst, List.rev rev_args)

| Cst ({ builtin = B.Constructor _; _ } as cst) ->
Constr (cst, [])

| Var ({ builtin = B.Base; path; _ } as t_v) ->
(* Should the type be passed as an argument
instead of re-evaluating it here? *)
let v = Var.of_string (get_basename path) in
let sy = Sy.var v in
Cache.store_sy t_v sy;
(* Adding the matched variable to the store *)
Var v

| _ -> assert false

let rec compile_match mk_destr mk_tester e cases accu =
match cases with
| [] -> accu

| (Var x, p) :: _ ->
E.apply_subst (Var.Map.singleton x e, Ty.esubst) p

| (Constr (name, args), p) :: l ->
let _then =
(fun acc (var, destr, ty) ->
let destr = mk_destr destr in
let d = E.mk_term destr [e] ty in
E.mk_let var d acc
) p args
match l with
[] -> _then
| _ ->
let _else = compile_match mk_destr mk_tester e l accu in
let cond = mk_tester name e in
E.mk_ite cond _then _else

(* (* TO BE REMOVED *)
let debug_compile_match e cases res =
if Options.get_debug_adt () then begin
Printer.print_dbg ~flushed:false ~module_name:"Expr"
"compilation of: match %a with@ " print e;
let p_list_vars fmt l =
match l with
[] -> ()
| [e,_,_] -> Var.print fmt e
| (e,_,_) :: l ->
Format.fprintf fmt "(%a" Var.print e;
List.iter (fun (e,_,_) -> Format.fprintf fmt ", %a" Var.print e) l;
Format.fprintf fmt ")"
(fun (p, v) ->
match p with
| Typed.Constr {name; args} ->
Printer.print_dbg ~flushed:false ~header:false
"| %a %a -> %a@ "
DE.Term.Const.print name
p_list_vars args
print v;
| Typed.Var x ->
Printer.print_dbg ~flushed:false ~header:false
"| %a -> %a@ " Var.print x print v;
Printer.print_dbg ~header:false
"end@ result is: %a" print res;
end *)

let mk_match e cases =
let ty = E.type_info e in
let mk_destr =
match ty with
| Ty.Tadt _ -> (fun hs -> Sy.destruct hs)
| Ty.Trecord _ -> (fun hs -> Sy.Op (Sy.Access hs))
| _ -> assert false
let rev_args =
List.fold_left2 (
fun acc rn arg ->
let v, n, ty = handle_patt_var rn arg in
(v, n, ty) :: acc
) [] vnames pargs
let mk_tester =
match ty with
| Ty.Tadt _ -> E.mk_tester
| Ty.Trecord _ ->
(* no need to test for records *)
(fun _e _name -> assert false)
| _ -> assert false
let args = List.rev rev_args in
Typed.Constr {name = cst; args}
let res = compile_match mk_destr mk_tester e cases e in
(* debug_compile_match e cases res; *)
[@ocaml.ppwarning "TODO: introduce a let if e is a big expr"]
[@ocaml.ppwarning "TODO: add other elim schemes"]
[@ocaml.ppwarning "TODO: add a match construct in expr"]

| Cst ({ builtin = B.Constructor _; _ } as cst) ->
Typed.Constr {name = cst; args = []}

| Var ({ builtin = B.Base; path; _ } as t_v) ->
(* Should the type be passed as an argument
instead of re-evaluating it here? *)
let v = Var.of_string (get_basename path) in
let sy = Sy.var v in
Cache.store_sy t_v sy;
(* Adding the matched variable to the store *)
Typed.Var v

| _ -> assert false

let arith_ty = function
| `Int -> Ty.Tint
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1367,12 +1451,12 @@ let rec mk_expr
let pats =
List.rev_map (
fun (p, t) ->
let patt = mk_pattern p in
let patt = Match.mk_pat p in
let e = aux_mk_expr t in
patt, e
) (List.rev pats)
E.mk_match e pats
Match.mk_match e pats

| Binder ((Let_par ls | Let_seq ls) as let_binder, body) ->
let lsbis =
Expand Down
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion src/lib/index.mld
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ be sent to the SMT solver.

Expand Down
7 changes: 0 additions & 7 deletions src/lib/structures/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -34,7 +34,6 @@ type sat_decl_aux =
| Decl of Id.typed
| Assume of string * Expr.t * bool
| PredDef of Expr.t * string (*name of the predicate*)
| RwtDef of (Expr.t Typed.rwt_rule) list
| Optimize of Objective.Function.t
| Query of string * Expr.t * Ty.goal_sort
| ThAssume of Expr.th_elt
Expand All @@ -57,12 +56,6 @@ let print_aux fmt = function
Format.fprintf fmt "assume %s(%b): @[<hov>%a@]" name b Expr.print e
| PredDef (e, name) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "pred-def %s: @[<hov>%a@]" name Expr.print e
| RwtDef l ->
Format.fprintf fmt "rwrts: @[<v>%a@]"
~pp:(Typed.print_rwt Expr.print)
) l
| Query (name, e, sort) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "query %s(%a): @[<hov>%a@]"
name Ty.print_goal_sort sort Expr.print e
Expand Down
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion src/lib/structures/commands.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -31,7 +31,6 @@ type sat_decl_aux =
| Decl of Id.typed
| Assume of string * Expr.t * bool
| PredDef of Expr.t * string (*name of the predicate*)
| RwtDef of (Expr.t Typed.rwt_rule) list
| Optimize of Objective.Function.t
| Query of string * Expr.t * Ty.goal_sort
| ThAssume of Expr.th_elt
Expand Down
115 changes: 17 additions & 98 deletions src/lib/structures/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1300,26 +1300,27 @@ let mk_builtin ~is_pos n l =

(** smart constructors for datatypes. *)

let is_constr DE.{ builtin; _ } =
match builtin with
| DStd.Builtin.Constructor _ -> true
| _ -> false

let has_attached_order id =
DE.Term.Const.get_tag id Nest.order_tag |> Option.is_some

let mk_constr c xs ty =
if not @@ is_constr c then
Fmt.invalid_arg "expected a constructor, got %a" DE.Id.print c;
(* This assertion ensures that the API of the [Nest] module have been
correctly used, that is [Nest.attach_orders] have been called on
the nest of [id] if [id] is a constructor of ADT. *)
if not @@ has_attached_order c then
Fmt.invalid_arg "no order on constructor %a" DE.Id.print c;
mk_term (Sy.Op (Constr c)) xs ty

let mk_tester cons t =
mk_builtin ~is_pos:true (Sy.IsConstr cons) [t]
match c.DE.builtin with
| DStd.Builtin.Constructor _ ->
(* This assertion ensures that the API of the [Nest] module have been
correctly used, that is [Nest.attach_orders] have been called on
the nest of [id] if [id] is a constructor of ADT. *)
if not @@ has_attached_order c then
Fmt.invalid_arg "no order on constructor %a" DE.Id.print c;
mk_term (Sy.Op (Constr c)) xs ty
| _ ->
Fmt.invalid_arg "expected a constructor, got %a" DE.Id.print c

let mk_tester c t =
match c.DE.builtin with
| DStd.Builtin.Constructor _ ->
mk_builtin ~is_pos:true (Sy.IsConstr c) [t]
| _ ->
Fmt.invalid_arg "expected a constructor, got %a" DE.Id.print c

let mk_record xs ty = mk_term (Sy.Op Record) xs ty

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2617,88 +2618,6 @@ let mk_exists name loc binders trs f ~toplevel ~decl_kind =
mk_forall name loc Var.Map.empty trs tmp ~toplevel ~decl_kind

let rec compile_match mk_destr mker e cases accu =
match cases with
| [] -> accu

| (Typed.Var x, p) :: _ ->
apply_subst ((Var.Map.singleton x e), Ty.esubst) p

| (Typed.Constr {name; args}, p) :: l ->
let _then =
(fun acc (var, destr, ty) ->
let destr = mk_destr destr in
let d = mk_term destr [e] ty in
mk_let var d acc
)p args
match l with
[] -> _then
| _ ->
let _else = compile_match mk_destr mker e l accu in
let cond = mker e name in
mk_ite cond _then _else

let debug_compile_match e cases res =
if Options.get_debug_adt () then begin
Printer.print_dbg ~flushed:false ~module_name:"Expr"
"compilation of: match %a with@ " print e;
let p_list_vars fmt l =
match l with
[] -> ()
| [e,_,_] -> Var.print fmt e
| (e,_,_) :: l ->
Format.fprintf fmt "(%a" Var.print e;
List.iter (fun (e,_,_) -> Format.fprintf fmt ", %a" Var.print e) l;
Format.fprintf fmt ")"
(fun (p, v) ->
match p with
| Typed.Constr {name; args} ->
Printer.print_dbg ~flushed:false ~header:false
"| %a %a -> %a@ "
DE.Term.Const.print name
p_list_vars args
print v;
| Typed.Var x ->
Printer.print_dbg ~flushed:false ~header:false
"| %a -> %a@ " Var.print x print v;
Printer.print_dbg ~header:false
"end@ result is: %a" print res;

let mk_match e cases =
let ty = type_info e in
let mk_destr =
match ty with
| Ty.Tadt _ -> (fun hs -> Sy.destruct hs)
| Ty.Trecord _ -> (fun hs -> Sy.Op (Sy.Access hs))
| _ -> assert false
let mker =
match ty with
| Ty.Tadt _ ->
(fun e name ->
mk_builtin ~is_pos:true (Sy.IsConstr name) [e])

| Ty.Trecord _ ->
(fun _e _name -> assert false) (* no need to test for records *)

| _ -> assert false
let res = compile_match mk_destr mker e cases e in
debug_compile_match e cases res;
[@ocaml.ppwarning "TODO: introduce a let if e is a big expr"]
[@ocaml.ppwarning "TODO: add other elim schemes"]
[@ocaml.ppwarning "TODO: add a match construct in expr"]

let is_pure e = e.pure

module Purification = struct
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