This project aims to test the conversion, opening files after conversion, and comparing documents.
- Python 3.12
- MS Office 2019
- LibreOffice Community Version:
Instruction: Python Poetry Installation Guide
MS office settings
- Turn on the dark theme in ms office and in LibreOffice
- In MS PowerPoint change
Options\Advanced\Display\Open all documents using this views
onNormal - slide only
Change file.
- Set environment variables
- version - the document server version (Example: "")
- source_doc_folder - path to folders with documents before conversion, the folder names must match the file extension (if the file extension in the folder is ".doc", then the folder name must be "doc")
- converted_doc_folder - path to folders with documents after conversion.
The names of folders should have the
form "
<version>_(dir_<extension before conversion> _<extension after conversion>)_(os_<operation system>)_(mode_<Default or t-format>)
" Example:
. - list_of_file_names - array for selective comparison by filename
- Set environment variables
- To send termination reports of the script to Telegram, you need:
- to add 2 environment variables
- with a token from your bot on telegramCHANNEL_ID
- with the channel id on telegram
- or 2 files in the path
- with a token from your bot on telegramchat
- with the channel id on telegram
- to send messages via proxy, add a file at the path
"login": "",
"password": "",
"ip": "",
"port": ""
invoke compare-test
- To compare images by file names
from "converted_doc_folder"
or -d
- specifies which files to compare.
Example: -d doc-docx
to compare doc-docx files.
or -t
- to send reports in a telegram.
or -l
- to open files from files_array in
invoke make-files
or -t
- to send reports in a telegram.
or -d
- Specifies the direction for converting files.
Example: -d doc-docx
or -v
- Specifies the version x2t libs.
Example: invoke make-files -v
invoke open-test
- Running file opening tests
or -d
- specifies which files to open.
Example: -d docx
to open only docx files. if no required - all
files will be opened
or -l
- to open files from files_array in
--path "./path/to/your/folder"
- to open files in the specified folder.
or -t
- to send reports in a telegram.
or -f
- to run tests without taking
into account the tested files
invoke conversion-test
or -d
- Specifies the direction for converting files.
Example: -d doc-docx
. if not required -
conversion to all formats will be performed.
or -l
- to conversion files from files_array in
or -t
- to send reports in a telegram.
or -v
- Specifies the version x2t libs.
invoke download-core
or -v
- Specifies the version x2t libs.
invoke download-files
or -c
- The amount CPU cores
to use for parallel downloading. (default: None)
invoke s3-upload
or -d
- The local directory path
containing files to be uploaded.
or -c
- The amount CPU cores
to use for parallel downloading. (default: None)