A ViaVersion hack library to intercept and override packet mappers of specific protocols.
public class DemoBukkitPlugin extends JavaPlugin {
public void onLoad() {
// Shortcut of Via.getManager().getProtocolManager().getProtocol();
Protocol1_9To1_8 proto = ViaAlfajor.getProtocol(Protocol1_9To1_8.class);
// Class to start the dirty tricks
ProtocolHandle<ClientboundPackets1_8, ServerboundPackets1_9> handle = ProtocolHandle.wrap(protocol);
// Inject a PacketRemapper into spawn_mob remappers
// It wouldn't override any registered remapper
remapper -> {
// Do whatever you want here
// Inject a remapper for serverbound packets
remapper -> {
// Inject a remapper overriding all the spawn_mob remappers.
remapper -> {
// ...
- PacketRemapper needs to map their fields
- Be careful with adding remappers; fields and objects might already be consumed and will throw an exception
There is a plugin example of coloured beds for clients
that support it with a 1.8.8 server base.
repositories {
maven { url 'https://repo.unnamed.team/repository/unnamed-snapshots/' }
The entire project is built with JDK 8 using ViaVersion 4.4.2 as the target.
The API is licensed under The MIT License and the plugin example is under GPL v3 License.