frontend/ # the web frontend and the code that locks/unlocks the door (ruby)
reader/ # interface for the NFC reader, outputs tag IDs
Check each component's README for more.
We have this running in the following configuration:
- Code runs on a Raspberry Pi 2 model B
- Running Raspbian Jessie Lite
- Database is stored locally, but backed up regularly
- Reader is an Adafruit PN532 breakout
- It lives in this box
- It's mounted on this plate
- You will want to follow these instructions to get the PN532 to play well with your pi.
- Door strike is an Aiphone EL-12S
- Computer is connected to a box with a backup battery and power supply/control board for the door strike (
- Wired to GPIO 9 on the pi, via a transistor
- This box supplies 12vdc, so we use a cheap step-down converter to get 5vdc for the pi, soldered to a hacked USB cable