Releases: OdinIndex/telegram-bot-api
Releases · OdinIndex/telegram-bot-api
Bot API 6.5
- Added support for launching Web Apps from inline query results by replacing the parameters switch_pm_text and switch_pm_parameter of the method answerInlineQuery with the parameter button of type InlineQueryResultsButton.
- Added the field web_app_name to the class WriteAccessAllowed.
- Added the field switch_inline_query_chosen_chat of the type SwitchInlineQueryChosenChat to the class InlineKeyboardButton, which allows bots to switch to inline mode in a chosen chat of the given type.
- Added the field via_chat_folder_invite_link to the class ChatMemberUpdated.
- Added the ability to set different bot names for different user languages using the method setMyName.
- Added the ability to get the current bot name in the given language as the class BotName using the method getMyName.
- Added the ability to change bot settings from the bot's profile in official Telegram apps, including the ability to set animated profile photos.
Bot API 6.6
- Added the ability to set different bot descriptions for different user languages using the method setMyDescription.
- Added the ability to get the current bot description in the given language as the class BotDescription using the method getMyDescription.
- Added the ability to set different bot short descriptions for different user languages using the method setMyShortDescription.
- Added the ability to get the current bot short description in the given language as the class BotShortDescription using the method getMyShortDescription.
- Added the parameter emoji to the method sendSticker to specify an emoji for just uploaded stickers.
- Added support for the creation of custom emoji sticker sets in createNewStickerSet.
- Added the parameter needs_repainting to the method createNewStickerSet to automatically change the color of emoji based on context (e.g., use text color in messages, accent color in statuses, etc.).
- Added the field needs_repainting to the class Sticker.
- Replaced the parameters png_sticker, tgs_sticker, webm_sticker, emojis and mask_position in the method addStickerToSet with the parameter sticker of the type InputSticker.
- Added support for the creation of sticker sets with multiple initial stickers in createNewStickerSet by replacing the parameters png_sticker, tgs_sticker, webm_sticker, emojis and mask_position with the parameters stickers and sticker_format.
- Added support for .WEBP files in createNewStickerSet and addStickerToSet.
- Added support for .WEBP, .TGS, and .WEBM files in uploadStickerFile by replacing the parameter png_sticker in the method uploadStickerFile with the parameters sticker and sticker_format.
- Added the ability to specify search keywords for stickers added to sticker sets.
- Added the method setCustomEmojiStickerSetThumbnail for editing the thumbnail of custom emoji sticker sets created by the bot.
- Added the method setStickerSetTitle for editing the title of sticker sets created by the bot.
- Added the method deleteStickerSet for complete deletion of a given sticker set that was created by the bot.
- Added the method setStickerEmojiList for changing the list of emoji associated with a sticker.
- Added the method setStickerKeywords for changing the search keywords assigned to a sticker.
- Added the method setStickerMaskPosition for changing the mask position of a mask sticker.
- Renamed the field thumb in the classes Animation, Audio, Document, Sticker, Video, VideoNote, InputMediaAnimation, InputMediaAudio, InputMediaDocument, InputMediaVideo, StickerSet to thumbnail.
- Renamed the parameter thumb in the methods sendAnimation, sendAudio, sendDocument, sendVideo, sendVideoNote to thumbnail.
- Renamed the method setStickerSetThumb to setStickerSetThumbnail and its parameter thumb to thumbnail.
- Renamed the fields thumb_url, thumb_width, and thumb_height in the classes InlineQueryResultArticle, InlineQueryResultContact, InlineQueryResultDocument, InlineQueryResultLocation, and InlineQueryResultVenue to thumbnail_url, thumbnail_width, and thumbnail_height respectively.
- Renamed the field thumb_url in the classes InlineQueryResultPhoto and InlineQueryResultVideo to thumbnail_url.
- Renamed the fields thumb_url and thumb_mime_type in the classes InlineQueryResultGif, and InlineQueryResultMpeg4Gif to thumbnail_url and thumbnail_mime_type respectively.
Bot API 6.5
- Added requests for users and chats and support for granular media permissions.
- Added the class KeyboardButtonRequestUser and the field request_user to the class KeyboardButton.
- Added the class KeyboardButtonRequestChat and the field request_chat to the class KeyboardButton.
- Added the classes UserShared, ChatShared and the fields user_shared, and chat_shared to the class Message.
- Replaced the fields can_send_media_messages in the classes ChatMemberRestricted and ChatPermissions with separate fields can_send_audios, can_send_documents, can_send_photos, can_send_videos, can_send_video_notes, and can_send_voice_notes for different media types.
- Added the parameter use_independent_chat_permissions to the methods restrictChatMember and setChatPermissions.
- Added the field user_chat_id to the class ChatJoinRequest.
Bot API 6.4
- Added the field is_persistent to the class ReplyKeyboardMarkup, allowing to control when the keyboard is shown.
- Added the parameter has_spoiler to the methods sendPhoto, sendVideo, and sendAnimation.
- Added the field has_spoiler to the classes InputMediaPhoto, InputMediaVideo, and InputMediaAnimation.
- Added the field has_media_spoiler to the class Message.
- The parameters name and icon_custom_emoji_id of the method editForumTopic are now optional. If they are omitted, the existing values are kept.
- Added the classes ForumTopicEdited, GeneralForumTopicHidden, GeneralForumTopicUnhidden, and WriteAccessAllowed and the fields forum_topic_edited, general_forum_topic_hidden, general_forum_topic_unhidden, and write_access_allowed to the class Message.
- Added the methods editGeneralForumTopic, closeGeneralForumTopic, reopenGeneralForumTopic, hideGeneralForumTopic, unhideGeneralForumTopic for managing the General topic in forums.
- Added the parameter message_thread_id to the method sendChatAction for sending chat actions to a specific message thread or a forum topic.
- Added the field has_hidden_members to the class Chat. Note that the method getChatMember is only guaranteed to work if the bot is an administrator in the chat.
- Added the field has_aggressive_anti_spam_enabled to the class Chat.
- Added Web App events qrTextReceived and clipboardTextReceived.
- Added the field platform to the class WebApp.
- Added the methods showScanQrPopup, closeScanQrPopup, and readTextFromClipboard to the class WebApp.
- Added the parameter options to the method openLink of the class WebApp
- Added support for Topics in Groups.
- Added the field is_forum to the class Chat.
- Added the fields is_topic_message and message_thread_id to the class Message to allow detection of messages belonging to a forum topic and their message thread identifier.
- Added the classes ForumTopicCreated, ForumTopicClosed, and ForumTopicReopened and the fields forum_topic_created, forum_topic_closed, and forum_topic_reopened to the class Message. Note that service messages about forum topic creation can't be deleted with the deleteMessage method.
- Added the field can_manage_topics to the classes ChatAdministratorRights, ChatPermissions, ChatMemberAdministrator, and ChatMemberRestricted.
- Added the parameter can_manage_topics to the method promoteChatMember.
- Added the methods createForumTopic, editForumTopic, closeForumTopic, reopenForumTopic, deleteForumTopic, unpinAllForumTopicMessages, and getForumTopicIconStickers for forum topic management.
- Added the parameter message_thread_id to the methods sendMessage, sendPhoto, sendVideo, sendAnimation, sendAudio, sendDocument, sendSticker, sendVideoNote, sendVoice, sendLocation, sendVenue, sendContact, sendPoll, sendDice, sendInvoice, sendGame, sendMediaGroup, copyMessage, forwardMessage to support sending of messages to a forum topic.
- Added support for Multiple Usernames via the field active_usernames in the class Chat.
- Added the field emoji_status_custom_emoji_id to the class Chat.