Hjson, the Human JSON. A configuration file format for humans. Relaxed syntax, fewer mistakes, more comments. Based on PearsonTheCat/hjson-java, a modified version of hjson/hjson-java. Provides hjson implementation for OkaeriPoland/okaeri-configs, a part of the okaeri-platform.
Add repository to the repositories
Add dependency to the dependencies
Add repository to the repositories
maven { url "https://storehouse.okaeri.eu/repository/maven-public/" }
Add dependency to the maven
implementation 'eu.okaeri:okaeri-hjson:4.0.1'
Main goal at the moment is to provide stable library for hjson module of Okaeri's config library. See usage in the okaeri-configs project or browse the source projects (PearsonTheCat/hjson-java, hjson/hjson-java).