Releases: Omicometrics/pypls
Releases · Omicometrics/pypls
Significant change of the package
Significant changes were implemented:
- Move all calculations to cython to speed up the calcuations.
- Add VIP of variables.
- Add centered and scaled coefficients (CoeffCS).
- Add volcano plot-like to show CoeffCS against VIP, or p(corr) against VIP.
- Add setup for ease of installation, so that after installing the package, pypls can be run at any working directory.
- Other modifications.
Modify the permutation test
- Change the required number of permutations from 200 to 20;
- Add permutation test plot with the regression line;
- Separate the plot of distribution of permutation metrics from permutation test plot.
Release pypls version 0.2.0
- Add permutation test to assess the significance of the constructed model.
- Add plots of permutation test results.
- Add the extraction of permutation test results as methods of CrossValidation class.
- Other fixes.
Release for pypls
This is the first official release for pypls with license and read me created.
The first shareable software for pypls, congratulations.
This version provides basic tool for the analysis of data using partial least squares and Orthogonal Projections to Latent Structures Discriminant Analysis. Will keep update to add more tools for the multivariate analysis for variable selection, data quality control, etc.