🎓 Received bachelor's and master's degrees from School of Software, Tsinghua University
💻 Interested in consensus algorithm, distributed storage system, time-series database and distributed transaction.
🖋 Blog:tanxinyu.work
💡 Zhihu:tan-xin-yu
📫 Email: [email protected]
💬 Wechat: click here
- apache/ratis - Open source Java implementation for Raft consensus protocol. (3 days ago)
- apache/iotdb - Apache IoTDB (1 week ago)
- apache/ratis-thirdparty - Third-party dependencies for Apache Ratis (2 weeks ago)
- OneSizeFitsQuorum/OneSizeFitsQuorum.github.io - 个人主页 (3 months ago)
- thulab/iot-benchmark - IoT-benchmark is a tool for benchmarking TSDB in IoT scenario. (4 months ago)
- OneSizeFitsQuorum/awesome-async-thrift -
- OneSizeFitsQuorum/PracticalNetworkedApplications - A practice program to learn Rust in TalentPlan
- OneSizeFitsQuorum/MIT6.824-2021 - 4 labs + 2 challenges + 4 docs
- OneSizeFitsQuorum/Async-Kafka-Producer - A high performance async and safe kafka producer
- OneSizeFitsQuorum/FilesConnector - Using Github as a network disk
- mkleehammer/pyodbc - Python ODBC bridge (3 days ago)
- THUMarkLau/braft - An industrial-grade C++ implementation of RAFT consensus algorithm based on brpc, widely used inside Baidu to build highly-available distributed systems. (6 days ago)
- NVIDIA/aistore - AIStore: scalable storage for AI applications (2 weeks ago)
- jeremylong/DependencyCheck - OWASP dependency-check is a software composition analysis utility that detects publicly disclosed vulnerabilities in application dependencies. (3 weeks ago)
- airlift/aircompressor - A port of Snappy, LZO, LZ4, and Zstandard to Java (3 weeks ago)
- RATIS-2237 Add getFollowerMatchIndices interface for DivisionInfo on apache/ratis (2 days ago)
- RATIS-2237 Add getFollowerMatchIndices interface for DivisionInfo on apache/ratis (2 days ago)
- RATIS-2236 Fixed bug where manual triggerSnapshot would never finish on apache/ratis (5 days ago)
- [To dev/1.3] Fix RatisConsensus client==null exception when stopping datanode on apache/iotdb (1 week ago)
- Fix RatisConsensus client==null exception when stopping datanode on apache/iotdb (2 weeks ago)
- 2023 年终总结:从清华 Apache IoTDB 组到创业公司天谋科技 (11 months ago)
- 2023 IoTDB 用户大会分享:如何用 IoTDB 监控工具进行深度系统调优 (1 year ago)
- 2022 年终总结:记清华硕士的秋招之年 (2 years ago)
- 2022 互联网求职经验分享 (2 years ago)
- 2022 TiDB Hackathon 产品组最佳校园奖总结 (2 years ago)