"Luckily, there are underground 0day exploits for FTPD for path traversal." #FakeNews #DotDotWontPwn #JailBreak #DJI #Spark
Don't leak this to anyone that won't appreciate it!
Lets examine POV's claims and red herrings. I've been chasing them for over a month or so... They make complete sense now. https://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showpost.php?p=36232471&postcount=15113
"BusyBox FTPD is running on all interfaces, but unlike Phantom 3, in Mavic it's restricted to '/ftp' directory."
"Luckily, there are underground 0day exploits for FTPD for path traversal."
"I can confirm that you can traverse out of the '/ftp' directory and reach the init scripts to set debug flag.