Welcome to Hellgrave RPG v5.5, Here you can report and issue, bug, pull requests for the Hellgrave RPG Server.
Hellgrave RPG Server is a custom RPG Tibia Server protocol 12.72 created by Edisondario Team using the Otservbr base fork. Is now maintained by Open Games Community, see the latests Updates on our forum,
Update v5.5
Added Rascacoon Island + Tentuglys Boss giving the Rascochan Outfit: Tentacle of Tentugly = Base Outfit , Tentugly's Eye = Second addon, Tentugly's Jaw = First Addon. Added Flimsy Caves with Flimsys minibosses Added Grave Danger Bosses, King Zelos with their respective crowbars (Sir Baeloc, Sir Nictros, Duke Krule, Lord Azaram, Count Vlarkorth and Earl Osam) and outfit Hand of the Inquisition Access from Ghostlands ( ghoul grounds ) to east of Mistfall. Added the Cobra Bastion in Dolwatha (see interactive map) Added the Falcon Bastion in Dolwatha (see interactive map) Added a shopping list to Yasir, for imbuements
Update v5.0:
Protocol 12.72 - Client 12.72 - Hellgrave Remastered ZnoteAAC + Interactive Map