Export precisionFDA apps to Dockstore
This script (createrepo.py
) takes your Github token and an organization name and creates a repository in it with a given CWL and Dockerfile. I had to use two libraries here because PyGithub has a bug when creating a release.
pip install PyGithub agithub
python createrepo.py --token $GITHUB_TOKEN --org pfda2dockstore --tool test5 --tag 1.0.0
This will create a test5 repo in Github under the pfda2dockstore organization.
- working through tagging, I need to merge with Mike's script
- Given a Quay token, and Github token, and github repo:
- Initialize a quay repo with the same name from a Dockerfile in the github repo
- Setup auto build on any new tag or branch update
Need to add this code, Ola is working on this.
- Push to existing github/quay.io repos with new versions needs to be supported
- Better error handling
- Finish integration with Geet's Dockstore registration piece
- confirm tag/versions are handled correctly