Ortec Finance conducts a research towards High Performance Cloud Computing. This repository contains prototypes of synchronous and asynchronous cloud applications.
Cluster related:
- RedHat Openshift 4.X
- KEDA operator for Openshift.
- Red Hat Integration - AMQ Broker for RHEL 8 (Multiarch) operator Openshift.
- Serverless operator for Openshift.
- KEDA instance in "keda" namespace.
- KNativeServing instance in "knative-serving" namespace.
Local machine:
- oc cli tool
- kustomize
- Docker / Podman
│ ├── gitops # Contains everything GitOps related
│ │ ├── base
│ │ │ ├── deployment.yaml
│ │ │ ├── ... # Abstraction of all the yamls needed for deployment of the system.
│ │ │ └── service.yaml # Does not contain any fixed urls etc.
│ │ └── overlays
│ │ ├── develop # Contains all the necessities for the dev. process. Tag : develop.
│ │ │ └── kustomization.yaml
│ │ └── main # Actuall urls/names/images for deployment. Tag : latest.
│ │ └── kustomization.yaml
│ ├── ProjectOne
│ │
│ └── ProjectTwo
Keep base as an abstraction of the deployment. All the changes for your deployment can be done via Kustomize.
- Navigate to the ../{PrototypeName}/gitops/overlays/{develop or main}/
- Open kustomization.yaml
- Replace the indicated values with your URL/Namespace etc.
- Save.
- oc apply -k .
If you want to modify the code an build your own image
- Navigate to the ../{PrototypeName}/{ProjectName}
- docker build -rm -t {IMAGE_NAME:IMAGE_TAG}
- docker push {IMAGE_NAME}
- Navigate to the ../{PrototypeName}/gitops/overlays/{develop or main}/kustomize.yaml
- Change images/newName to {IMAGE_NAME}
- Change images/newTag to {IMAGE_TAG}
- Save.
- oc apply -k .
Slide can be found here