I'm a student at SFSU working on my own personal project. This project is written in java utilizing a mysql database. I am also applying the model, view, controller methodology to the way that my program is structured. The UI is built using Swing and JFreeChart.
Progress Update #1:
- Created final layout design -> https://www.figma.com/file/QNV0yBg3CwPajPVg8mleA4/Expense-Manager-Proj-Layout?node-id=0%3A1
- Drafted mysql functions to be used
Goals #1:
- Create tests for mysql functions and begin optimizing them
- Choose FXML layout and draft pages for scenes
- Start experimenting with CSS ideas
Progress Update #2 7/24/2022 :
- Can finally connect to a databse. Will cotinue testing the rest of the functions
Goals #2:
- Complete the main sql commands and important functions for the functionality of the application
Progress Update #2 7/26/2022 :
- Finished the main sql commands and data Controls mostly works
- Started laying out the swing frame code for the front end of the application
Goals #3:
- Finish setting up the frames and laying out the buttons, fields, and text for the login frame
Prog Update #4 7/27/2022:
- The swing UI is gonna be a bit more complicated so it has moved around but the buttons and such have been laid out but nothing is fixed or tested yet
Goals #4:
- Continue working on the Swing GUI and figure out the graph stuff
Prog Update #5 7/30/2022:
- Reorganized the code to represent the MVC organization model
- Finalized the frame for the login screen. I will do some looks updates in the future but it is functional currently
- Finalized the frame for the account creation. I will do some looks updates in the future but it is functional currently.
Goals #5:
- Start working on the expense frame and figure out how it will be organized
- Continue looking into the JChart module to create the expense chart and decide on it's features and how it will fit in with the MVC model
Prog Update #6 8/1/2022:
- Continuing to work on the expense gui with an idea formulating and a structure figured out
- Added some more functionality to the data controls to help the expense gui such as getting categories and total costs from the database
Goals #6:
- Continue working on the expense GUI
- Find some money to get the JFreeChart($50) dev guide so I have some way of actually implementing the charts I want to use
- If I have time then decide on what to start putting into the chart controller if anything
Prog Update #7 8/31/2022
- Complete reorganization of all files so that they are in the stylistically correct locations. I.e. source code is in project/source
- Complete refactoring of the DataController class
- Addition of some Junit tests for DataController.java
- Refactoring of view classes to come upong completion of tests for DataController.java