GradeBook is a MERN Stack application designed to help teachers and educators manage their students' grades and percentage. It provides a user-friendly interface for recording, calculating, and analyzing student grades. This documentation will guide you through the installation process, usage instructions, and provide an overview of the features and functionalities of GradeBook.
- Secure user registration and login functionality.
- Password hashing with passport JWT for enhanced security.
- Create, edit, and delete classes.
- Define the exams for each class.
- Add, edit, and remove students.
- Store student information, including name, email, and additional details.
- Record student grades for exams.
- Automatic calculation of overall grades based on weightage.
- View and update student grades as necessary.
- Generate detailed reports for individual students.
- Include information such as percentage with verdicts.
To set up GradeBook locally, follow these steps:
Clone the repository:
git clone
Navigate to the project directory:
cd GradeBook
Install the required dependencies for backend:
npm i express dotenv colors bcryptjs joi jsonwebtoken mongoose nodemon zxcvbn
Navigate to the client directory:
cd client
Install the dependencies for the client:
npm i react-router-dom redux react-redux axios antd @reduxjs/toolkit react-hot-toast
Create a .env file in the root directory with the following environment variables:
mongo_url = mongodb+srv://<user>:<pass> jwt_secret = A_Secret_Value
Start the server:
npm start
In a new terminal window, navigate to the client directory:
cd client
Start the client:
npm start
Access the application. Open your web browser and visit http://localhost:3000 to access the GradeBook application.
Once the application is running and accessible through your web browser, you can perform the following actions:
- Login: Use your credentials to log into the application. If you're a new user, you can sign up for an account.
- Create a Class: After logging in, you can create a new class by providing the necessary information such as the class name, subject, and term.
- Add Students: Once a class is created, you can add students by providing their details, including name, email, and any other relevant information.
- Record Grades: For each student, you can record their grades for different assignments and exams. The application will automatically calculate the overall grade based on the predefined weightage.
- Generate Reports: You can generate detailed reports for individual students or the entire class, which includes their grades, attendance, and any additional information.
- MongoDB - NoSQL database for storing data
- Express - Backend framework for building RESTful APIs
- React - Frontend framework for building user interfaces
- Node.js - JavaScript runtime environment for building scalable server-side applications
- JWT - JSON Web Token for user authentication and authorization
- Bcrypt - Password hashing library for secure password storage
The live project: GradeBook
Admin Id: 1610052
Password: Itisadmin00@