Edits the saved Player Names inside a modded US Dreamcast Version of Marvel vs Capcom 2 that was edited by the MVC2 Modding Page:
Edits 1ST_READ.BIN, .CDIs, .GDI, or .BIN files or any other format that keeps the files mostly intact (no .ZIPs).
Just drag and drop an US Dreamcast MVC2 1ST_READ.BIN or CDI/GDI/BIN on to the .exe, or copy the 1ST_READ.BIN to the same path and just double click.
EditNames.exe <- Edits a 1ST_READ.BIN in the same path
EditNames.exe "MVC2.CDI" <- Edit the .CDI file
EditNames.exe "1ST_READ.BIN.bak" <- Edits this 1ST_READ
Q. Will this Mod my game?
A. No, this only edits a previously modded game. To mod it, visit MVC2 Modding Page
Q. My anti-virus doesn't like your file, are you trying to hAx0r me?
A. No. Windows and many AVs don't like you running random unsigned exe files. You'll run into this problem with many other tool from the Dreamcast era. The source is included, feel free to compile your version, I use MinGW
Q. Why is your code so bad/ugly? Why is it half C and half C++?
A. Sorry. My C/C++ code is very ugly, I learned strange bastard version of it almost 20 years ago, and never learned a better way.
In a 1ST_READ.BIN this may be at 0x1BAA80, but it may change, you can edit it by hand with a Hex Editor if you want.
NEW CHALLANGER. // Default name
[ PLAYER NAMES ] // Search string
PLAYER NAME 1. // Names Can be up to 14 characters
NAME2. // The first character must be a space
NAME3. // The last character must be a null
................ // Names can be skipped
NM5. // Name needs to be right justified
NM6. // with spaces
. . . // Omitted lines for demo, there must be 16 in the game
WINS. // Win counter for Default Name
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx // x = Color data, 0xFF Will skip player [1]
yzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz // y and z are space offsets, this is a hex int (0xB = 11)
z // y is spaces for "WINS" | z is for the 16 names in order
[1]: Each byte is for each of the 16 player names: 0x0B - 0x38 [with some gaps]