We're Perth's largest makerspace.
- airconControl - A timer to turn off the band room aircon
- doorBotCode - The live code running our front door
- doorbot_1.3 - Next iteration of our door control
- queryBot - A
powered chatbot with access to our events calendar and some web pages. Primarily used for responding to queries from the public. - storageTickets - QoL improvements for people leaving projects at the space. Primarily used on our foyer kiosk.
- theme-google-cal-embed - A tool to apply formatting to embedded google calendars
- tidyauth - A wrapper for interactions with the TidyHQ API
- util - These (typically) one file scripts solve various little problems around the space but don't warrant a repo.
- webcam-scripts - Scripts to generate and manage our webcam feed
- artifactory-draw-matrix - A 16x16 LED panel with a web interface for drawing on
- doorSlack - A door control interface for Slack. Drastically superseded by the work in doorbot_1.3
- ESP32_LED_controller - A prototype controller for room lighting
- Giant-Robot - The physical version of our mascot
- LockupSense - A proposed system to assist people in locking up the space. Detects whether particular circuits are online
- pledgeBot - Fundraising via Slack
- secretaryBot - Automation of Secretary tasks
- spaceapi-interface - Interaction with SpaceAPI
- slack-scroll - A scrolling LED display that supports messages from Slack