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How to add a custom song

FredrikAlHam edited this page Oct 10, 2020 · 3 revisions
  1. Add audio to Assets/Songs/[Bundle Name]
  2. "Right-Click->Create->Song" in the same location
  3. Open the Song Asset in the inspector and assign the audio to the clip property.
  4. Fill the beats array of the Song asset in the inspector.
  5. In the "Window->Asset Management->Adressables->Groups" window "Right-Click->Create New Group".
  6. Drag the song asset(s) into the group.
  7. Assign the song label to the song asset in the addressable groups window(If it doesn't exist click manage, then click the plus symbol and type "Song")
  8. "Right-Click->Inspect Group Settings" and change Build Path to "Songs/[BuildTarget]" and load path to "Songs"
  9. In the "Window->Asset Management->Adressables->Groups" window, select the group and click "Build->New Build->Default New Build" You can find the file in the project directory under a directory named Songs/[platform]
  10. Place the generated file in the game's song directory
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