the dpi range provided by the mouse is going higher and higher, the origin mouse sensitivity procedure is not working cool when u set dpi to value like 20000. this mod only do one simple thing: multiply the origin mouse sensitivity by itself when processing
Double value = that.client.options.getMouseSensitivity().getValue();
double d = value * 0.6F + 0.2F;
double e = d * d * d;
double f = e * 8.0;
i = that.cursorDeltaX * f;
j = that.cursorDeltaY * f;
Double value = that.client.options.getMouseSensitivity().getValue();
double d = value * 0.6F + 0.2F;
double e = d * d * d * value; // Multiply e by mouseSensitivity
double f = e * 8.0;
i = that.cursorDeltaX * f;
j = that.cursorDeltaY * f;
The variables i
and j
are ultimately added to your look direction. f
is used for non-spyglass views, while e
is used for spyglass views.
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