A Kurosawa library for interacting with Key-Value stores.
Provides the protocols for three levels of API access to Key-Value stores:
StringSetStore - an API for interacting with sets of keys.
CheckAndSetStore - a low-level API for creating, reading and writing values using check-and-set (CAS) semantics.
KeyValueStore - a simplified high-level API for creating, reading and writing values.
$ lein docs
$ open doc/dist/latest/api/index.html
First, setup your GPG credentials and Leiningen environment.
See these for details:
https://github.com/technomancy/leiningen/blob/master/doc/GPG.md https://github.com/technomancy/leiningen/blob/master/doc/DEPLOY.md#authentication
To release a snapshot:
$ lein release :patch
To release a minor version:
$ lein release :minor
To release a major version:
$ lein release :major