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Proof-of-concept: QEDbase

No due date 75% complete

With this milestone, we organize the development of QEDbase.jl towards the proof-of-concept of QED.jl (see here for an overview).



Since QEDbase.jl is the base package of QED.jl, it has no internal requirements. However, external dependencies are possible (and likely), but they will be discussed in the respective repository.


  • L…

With this milestone, we organize the development of QEDbase.jl towards the proof-of-concept of QED.jl (see here for an overview).



Since QEDbase.jl is the base package of QED.jl, it has no internal requirements. However, external dependencies are possible (and likely), but they will be discussed in the respective repository.


  • LorentzVectorLikes: a class of data types which describe Lorentz vectors in general (vector space operations, inner product, transforms)
  • AbstractFourMomentum: a class of data types to describe four-momenta in particular (real-valued Lorentz vectors with additional functionality, e.g. is_onshell, rapidity, all sorts of kinematics)
  • AbstractPolarisaationVector: data type(s) for elementary polarisation vectors (complex-valued Lorentz vectors with additional functionality, e.g. stokes or Jones form)
  • AbstractBiSpinor, AbstractDiracMatrix: data type for bispinors and Dirac matrices in general (general matrix arithmetic)
  • GammaMatrices: data types to describe gamma matrices (combining Lorentz and Dirac structure)

The notion of class of data types might refer to interfaces established via traits to enable the demanded functionality for several data types (to be discussed in the QEDbase.jl repo).
