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Add New Directory Services Connectors

Marc Collins edited this page Oct 20, 2020 · 1 revision

Add New Directory Services Connectors

Connect via the QlikView APIs

First of all we need to connect to the QlikView Server

$Connection = Connect-QlikView

Get the current DSP Settings

then we need to get the current DSP Configuration using the command

$DSPSettings = Get-QVDSPAPISettings 

Create the new DS Resource

Next we create the new DS Resource we want to add

Supported types:

  • AD
  • Custom
  • Ldap
  • Local
  • NT
  • ODBC

Create the new resource using the command: (substituting values as required)

$NewQVDSResource = New-QVDSResource -Dsresourcetype AD -Username "Domain\UserName" -Password "ClearTextPassword" -Path "LDAP://"

for readability you may want to splat this comand

$Credential = Get-Credential
$paramNewQVDSResource = @{
	Dsresourcetype = 'AD'
	Username = $Credential.UserName
	Password = $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password
	Path = "LDAP://"
$NewQVDSResource = New-QVDSResource @paramNewQVDSResource

Add the new Reource to the Settings

Then we add the new resource to the current settings


Update the Server Settings

And finally save the updated settings back to the server.

Set-QVDSPAPISettings -Dspsettings $DSPSettings

Example 1

Create a New AD Connection

#Connect via the QlikView APIs
$Connection = Connect-QlikView

#Get the DSP Settings
$DSPSettings = Get-QVDSPAPISettings 

$Credential = Get-Credential
$paramNewQVDSResource = @{
	Dsresourcetype = 'AD'
	Username = $Credential.UserName
	Password = $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password
	Path = "LDAP://"
$NewQVDSResource = New-QVDSResource @paramNewQVDSResource
Set-QVDSPAPISettings -Dspsettings $DSPSettings

Example 2

Create multiple new connections

#Connect via the QlikView APIs
$Connection = Connect-QlikView

#Get the DSP Settings
$DSPSettings = Get-QVDSPAPISettings 

#Create first new DS Resource
$NewQVDSResource = New-QVDSResource -Dsresourcetype AD -Username "Domain\UserName" -Password "ClearTextPassword" -Path "LDAP://"

#Add the new Reource to the Settings

#Create another new DS Resource
$NewQVDSResource2 = New-QVDSResource -Dsresourcetype Ldap -Username "SubDomain\UserName" -Password "ClearTextPassword" -Path "LDAP://"
#Add the next Reource to the Settings

#Save the updated settings back to QlikView
Set-QVDSPAPISettings -Dspsettings $DSPSettings