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Quentin Gruber edited this page Oct 3, 2020
1 revision
/g | 8876 |
AccessTarget | 31 |
CharacterCreate.RegionEu | 9579 |
CharacterCreate.RegionUs | 347 |
CraftingRequirementsNotMet | 1030 |
DroppedItemNotification | 992 |
ErrorDisconnected | 698 |
ErrorIdleLabel | 9547 |
Freelook | 825 |
GAQSwapSeatRequest | 1464 |
InventoryFullNotification | 998 |
NoWhisperReceived | 1538 |
PickUpTarget | 29 |
PlayerName | 1390 |
Pushback | 823 |
RecipeLearned | 957 |
RewardPatternOne | 316 |
SeatSwapConsidering | 1466 |
SeatSwapDeclined | 1465 |
SeatSwapError1 | 1467 |
SeatSwapErrorWait | 1468 |
SpamChatBlocked | 688 |
UI.1PaymentChoice | 187 |
UI.2SCamount | 186 |
UI.3Review | 185 |
UI.Accelerate | 1309 |
UI.Accept | 729 |
UI.ActionQueueAccept | 736 |
UI.ActionQueueDeny | 737 |
UI.AddNewCardButton | 171 |
UI.Afterburner | 1320 |
UI.AreYouSureResetKeybindings | 9101 |
UI.Ascend | 786 |
UI.AutoJoinSquadKeybind | 739 |
UI.AutoRun | 1308 |
UI.BackButton | 110 |
UI.BecomeAMember | 152 |
UI.BecomeAPremiumMember | 255 |
UI.BillingAddress | 277 |
UI.BundleTag.MembersSale | 98 |
UI.Buy | 114 |
UI.CVV | 261 |
UI.Cancel | 9110 |
UI.CancelZoneQueue | 754 |
UI.CardNumber | 273 |
UI.ChangeCamera | 768 |
UI.ChangeToSeat1 | 1322 |
UI.ChangeToSeat10 | 779 |
UI.ChangeToSeat11 | 780 |
UI.ChangeToSeat12 | 781 |
UI.ChangeToSeat2 | 1323 |
UI.ChangeToSeat3 | 1324 |
UI.ChangeToSeat4 | 1325 |
UI.ChangeToSeat5 | 774 |
UI.ChangeToSeat6 | 775 |
UI.ChangeToSeat7 | 776 |
UI.ChangeToSeat8 | 777 |
UI.ChangeToSeat9 | 778 |
UI.Character | 950 |
UI.CharacterSelect | 732 |
UI.Chat.Items | 718 |
UI.Chat.You | 651 |
UI.ChatPlatoon | 705 |
UI.ChatRegion | 710 |
UI.City | 276 |
UI.Clear | 121 |
UI.Close | 191 |
UI.CockpitFreeLook | 794 |
UI.CockpitLookDown | 798 |
UI.CockpitLookLeft | 795 |
UI.CockpitLookRight | 796 |
UI.CockpitLookUp | 797 |
UI.CompareStats | 120 |
UI.Congratulations | 215 |
UI.CongratulationsPc | 260 |
UI.ContinueButton | 184 |
UI.CraftingTitle | 317 |
UI.Create | 940 |
UI.CreateNew | 947 |
UI.CreditCard | 182 |
UI.Crouch | 813 |
UI.CrouchToggle | 1292 |
UI.CruiseControl | 767 |
UI.CurrentBenefits | 314 |
UI.CycleMainWindowTabs | 8878 |
UI.DailySale | 102 |
UI.Death | 727 |
UI.Decelerate | 1310 |
UI.Decline | 730 |
UI.DecrementMinimapZoom | 756 |
UI.DeleteCardButton | 172 |
UI.DeployKeybind | 770 |
UI.Depot | 107 |
UI.Descend | 787 |
UI.DoneButton | 259 |
UI.Energy | 342 |
UI.EnterCode | 161 |
UI.EnterCouponCode | 296 |
UI.Error | 127 |
UI.ErrorCreateFailed | 945 |
UI.ErrorFundingPaypal | 173 |
UI.ErrorFundingSMS | 174 |
UI.ErrorInvalidName | 941 |
UI.ErrorNameTaken | 942 |
UI.ErrorNameUnacceptable | 943 |
UI.Exit | 951 |
UI.ExitVehicle | 1318 |
UI.ExpiresIn | 100 |
UI.FactionNC | 702 |
UI.FactionTR | 703 |
UI.FactionVS | 701 |
UI.Fire | 1301 |
UI.FreeformRotation | 831 |
UI.FreeformScale | 832 |
UI.FreeformTranslation | 830 |
UI.Freelook | 824 |
UI.GearSlot1 | 1297 |
UI.GearSlot10 | 821 |
UI.GearSlot2 | 1298 |
UI.GearSlot3 | 1299 |
UI.GearSlot4 | 1300 |
UI.GearSlot5 | 816 |
UI.GearSlot6 | 817 |
UI.GearSlot7 | 818 |
UI.GearSlot8 | 819 |
UI.GearSlot9 | 820 |
UI.GeneralPC | 712 |
UI.Handbrake | 1313 |
UI.HandsDown | 1286 |
UI.HandsUp | 1285 |
UI.HaveMaterials | 319 |
UI.HeadLights | 1319 |
UI.Health | 333 |
UI.Home | 109 |
UI.HourShorthand | 212 |
UI.HudArea | 709 |
UI.HudOrders | 711 |
UI.HudOutfit | 707 |
UI.HudSay | 647 |
UI.HudSquad | 704 |
UI.HudSquadOwner | 706 |
UI.HudSystem | 648 |
UI.HudTell | 649 |
UI.HudYell | 708 |
UI.Hungry | 344 |
UI.Hydration | 343 |
UI.IgnoreCollision | 829 |
UI.IncrementMinimapZoom | 755 |
UI.Interact | 1295 |
UI.Inventory | 340 |
UI.Issuer | 280 |
UI.ItemOnlyEquippedThisCharacter | 139 |
UI.ItemPurchase | 149 |
UI.ItemPurchase.BuyWithCurrency | 140 |
UI.ItemPurchase.CanSaveIfMember | 300 |
UI.ItemPurchase.CostBreakdown | 137 |
UI.ItemPurchase.CurrentCurrencyValue | 138 |
UI.ItemPurchase.DiscountCoupon | 298 |
UI.ItemPurchase.DiscountSale | 297 |
UI.ItemPurchase.MustBeAMemberToPurchaseBundle | 289 |
UI.ItemPurchase.Total | 262 |
UI.ItemPurchase.YouSaveAmount | 299 |
UI.ItemPurchase.ZipcodeNotOnFile | 143 |
UI.ItemRental.RentButtonLabel | 144 |
UI.ItemRental.Title | 135 |
UI.ItemTrial.ItemAvailableForTrial | 301 |
UI.ItemTrial.ItemTrialIsActive | 302 |
UI.ItemTrial.TrialAvailableIn | 304 |
UI.ItemTrial.TrialExpired | 303 |
UI.ItemTrial.TrialUnavailableRightNow | 136 |
UI.ItemTrial.TryNow | 145 |
UI.Jump | 1291 |
UI.LeaderPC | 716 |
UI.LimitedTimeOfferAllCaps | 219 |
UI.LockToggle | 8877 |
UI.Login | 946 |
UI.LookDown | 1317 |
UI.LookLeft | 1314 |
UI.LookRight | 1315 |
UI.LookUp | 1316 |
UI.LowHealth | 939 |
UI.LoyaltyLevelColon | 224 |
UI.Marketplace.AddCreditCard | 207 |
UI.Marketplace.AddingCC | 197 |
UI.Marketplace.ApplicableTaxesFinePrint | 164 |
UI.Marketplace.BundleHasOwnedItemPostString | 293 |
UI.Marketplace.BundleHasOwnedItemPreString | 292 |
UI.Marketplace.BundleHasOwnedItemPreStringPlural | 294 |
UI.Marketplace.BundleHasOwnedItemTitle | 291 |
UI.Marketplace.CannotPerformActionAtThisTime | 270 |
UI.Marketplace.ChooseHowMuchSC | 204 |
UI.Marketplace.Code.RedeemPS2Code | 163 |
UI.Marketplace.CompletePurchase | 266 |
UI.Marketplace.DeletingCC | 166 |
UI.Marketplace.Error.AddingCC | 167 |
UI.Marketplace.Error.CodeRedemption | 216 |
UI.Marketplace.Error.DeletingCC | 165 |
UI.Marketplace.Error.InformationRetrieval | 175 |
UI.Marketplace.Error.PurchasePreview | 128 |
UI.Marketplace.Error.PurchaseProcessing | 130 |
UI.Marketplace.ErrorAddingCoupon | 285 |
UI.Marketplace.ErrorAddingItem | 283 |
UI.Marketplace.ErrorAdjustingOrderQuantity | 286 |
UI.Marketplace.ErrorCancelingOrder | 284 |
UI.Marketplace.ErrorCreatingNewOrder | 282 |
UI.Marketplace.ErrorPlacingOrder | 287 |
UI.Marketplace.ErrorProcessingPurchase | 200 |
UI.Marketplace.ErrorWithItemTrialRequest | 281 |
UI.Marketplace.FillInInfoToAddCC | 206 |
UI.Marketplace.GeneratingPreview | 129 |
UI.Marketplace.GetStationCash | 95 |
UI.Marketplace.InsufficientFunds | 290 |
UI.Marketplace.InvalidCouponCode | 295 |
UI.Marketplace.OrderId | 257 |
UI.Marketplace.ProcessingPurchase | 131 |
UI.Marketplace.PromoOfferExcludesSMS | 111 |
UI.Marketplace.PurchaseBuyNow | 9275 |
UI.Marketplace.PurchaseConfirmation | 199 |
UI.Marketplace.PurchaseError | 201 |
UI.Marketplace.PurchasePreview | 203 |
UI.Marketplace.PurchaseSuccessful | 198 |
UI.Marketplace.QuantityOwned | 116 |
UI.Marketplace.RedeemingGameCode | 217 |
UI.Marketplace.RedemptionConfirmation | 190 |
UI.Marketplace.RedemptionSuccessful | 189 |
UI.Marketplace.RetrievingAcceptedCC | 168 |
UI.Marketplace.RetrievingCConFile | 169 |
UI.Marketplace.RetrievingMembershipInformation | 221 |
UI.Marketplace.RetrievingSCinformation | 176 |
UI.Marketplace.ReviewInformationBeforeConfirming | 202 |
UI.Marketplace.SearchResults | 160 |
UI.Marketplace.SelectCCFromFile | 208 |
UI.Marketplace.SelectCreditCard | 209 |
UI.Marketplace.SelectPaymentMethod | 211 |
UI.Marketplace.SelectSCAmount | 205 |
UI.Marketplace.SelectYourPreferredPayment | 210 |
UI.Marketplace.Subtotal | 264 |
UI.Marketplace.Tax | 263 |
UI.Marketplace.TransactionsDisabled | 271 |
UI.Marketplace.VatTax | 311 |
UI.Marketplace.WalletBalance | 256 |
UI.Marketplace.WalletDisabled | 288 |
UI.Marketplace.YouJustRedeemed | 214 |
UI.MarketplaceCreditCard | 265 |
UI.Membership | 106 |
UI.Membership.AndMore | 225 |
UI.Membership.GetBetterBenefits | 223 |
UI.Membership.MembershipDisclaimer | 226 |
UI.MembershipPurchase.BenefitsList | 310 |
UI.MembershipPurchase.BestValue | 220 |
UI.MembershipPurchase.BilledNow | 309 |
UI.MembershipPurchase.Discount | 312 |
UI.MembershipPurchase.MembershipBenefits | 222 |
UI.MembershipPurchase.NextChargeDate | 313 |
UI.MembershipPurchase.OrderId | 308 |
UI.MembershipPurchase.OrderQuantityXQuantity | 306 |
UI.MembershipPurchase.OrderTotal | 307 |
UI.MembershipPurchase.RedeemNow | 162 |
UI.MembershipPurchase.UseCCSelectPlanBelow | 218 |
UI.MinuteShorthand | 213 |
UI.MonthMonth | 274 |
UI.MoveBackward | 1288 |
UI.MoveForward | 1287 |
UI.NamePC | 272 |
UI.New | 115 |
UI.NextWeapon | 1306 |
UI.NoFiltersAvailable | 113 |
UI.NoItemsCategoryOrSearch | 119 |
UI.NoMessages | 719 |
UI.None | 700 |
UI.Ok | 728 |
UI.OpenChat | 1271 |
UI.OpenCommand | 1272 |
UI.OpenFriendPage | 749 |
UI.OpenMap | 740 |
UI.OpenMenu | 1259 |
UI.OpenOutfitPage | 750 |
UI.OpenSquadPage | 748 |
UI.Or | 101 |
UI.OutfitPC | 714 |
UI.PayCreditCard | 183 |
UI.PayGameCard | 177 |
UI.PayMobileDevice | 179 |
UI.PayPaypal | 181 |
UI.Paypal | 180 |
UI.PitchDown | 791 |
UI.PitchUp | 790 |
UI.PlatoonPC | 717 |
UI.PreviewButton | 117 |
UI.PreviousWeapon | 1307 |
UI.Processing | 148 |
UI.ProneToggle | 1293 |
UI.Province | 279 |
UI.Quantity | 141 |
UI.QuickChat1 | 757 |
UI.QuickChat10 | 766 |
UI.QuickChat2 | 758 |
UI.QuickChat3 | 759 |
UI.QuickChat4 | 760 |
UI.QuickChat5 | 761 |
UI.QuickChat6 | 762 |
UI.QuickChat7 | 763 |
UI.QuickChat8 | 764 |
UI.QuickChat9 | 765 |
UI.RadialMenu.Delete | 683 |
UI.RadialMenu.Drop | 681 |
UI.RadialMenu.Place | 684 |
UI.RadialMenu.Use | 682 |
UI.Recipe.Need.Fire | 690 |
UI.Recipe.Need.Furnace | 691 |
UI.RedeemACode | 108 |
UI.ReduceSpeed | 828 |
UI.ReloadPC | 1296 |
UI.Reply | 734 |
UI.Research | 326 |
UI.ResetKeybindings | 9100 |
UI.RollLeft | 788 |
UI.RollRight | 789 |
UI.SMS | 178 |
UI.Sale | 251 |
UI.Screenshot | 1274 |
UI.SearchAll | 104 |
UI.SecondShorthand | 153 |
UI.SecondaryFire | 1302 |
UI.Server | 948 |
UI.Settings | 731 |
UI.ShowActionQueue | 738 |
UI.SpotEnemy | 746 |
UI.SprintHoldBreath | 1294 |
UI.SquadPC | 713 |
UI.Stamina | 334 |
UI.StartCrafting | 318 |
UI.StartImageCapture | 1280 |
UI.StationCashPurchase | 188 |
UI.StationCashPurchase.NudgeSpecialOfferIndicator | 112 |
UI.Stats.Ammo.Description | 240 |
UI.Stats.Ammo.Name | 239 |
UI.Stats.BoltTime.Description | 230 |
UI.Stats.BoltTime.Name | 229 |
UI.Stats.Damage.Description | 232 |
UI.Stats.Damage.Name | 231 |
UI.Stats.DamageChart.Damage | 151 |
UI.Stats.DamageChart.Meters | 150 |
UI.Stats.FireType.Description | 250 |
UI.Stats.FireType.Name | 249 |
UI.Stats.HipfireCof.Description | 244 |
UI.Stats.HipfireCof.Name | 243 |
UI.Stats.IndirectDamage.Description | 234 |
UI.Stats.IndirectDamage.Name | 233 |
UI.Stats.IronsightsCof.Description | 246 |
UI.Stats.IronsightsCof.Name | 245 |
UI.Stats.IronsightsZoom.Description | 248 |
UI.Stats.IronsightsZoom.Name | 247 |
UI.Stats.Pellet.Description | 242 |
UI.Stats.Pellet.Name | 241 |
UI.Stats.ProjectileVelocity.Description | 236 |
UI.Stats.ProjectileVelocity.Name | 235 |
UI.Stats.Reload.Description | 238 |
UI.Stats.Reload.Name | 237 |
UI.Stats.Type.Description | 228 |
UI.Stats.Type.Name | 227 |
UI.StrafeLeft | 1289 |
UI.StrafeRight | 1290 |
UI.Submit | 142 |
UI.SwapSeatRequest | 1469 |
UI.SwitchFireGroup | 1305 |
UI.TertiaryFire | 1303 |
UI.Thirsty | 345 |
UI.ThrottleAnalog | 792 |
UI.ThrottleDown | 783 |
UI.ThrottleUp | 782 |
UI.ToggleDebugConsole | 733 |
UI.ToggleFullScreen | 1273 |
UI.ToggleHUDResources | 1283 |
UI.ToggleHideFp | 822 |
UI.ToggleHudIndicators | 752 |
UI.ToggleInventory | 1282 |
UI.ToggleMarketplace | 1281 |
UI.ToggleMouseControl | 1275 |
UI.TogglePerformance | 735 |
UI.ToggleUI | 155 |
UI.ToggleVehicleManagementView | 751 |
UI.ToggleVideoCapture | 747 |
UI.ToggleWeaponAttachment | 1304 |
UI.ToggleWeaponStance | 753 |
UI.TopSellers | 103 |
UI.TurnLeft | 1311 |
UI.TurnRight | 1312 |
UI.Unavailable | 154 |
UI.UnknownError | 944 |
UI.Unlock | 147 |
UI.UnlockButton | 105 |
UI.Unlocked | 159 |
UI.Upgrade | 146 |
UI.UseAbility | 814 |
UI.UseGrenade | 815 |
UI.VehicleAbility | 773 |
UI.VehicleHorn | 1321 |
UI.VoiceChatCustom | 744 |
UI.VoiceChatOutfit | 743 |
UI.VoiceChatPlatoon | 742 |
UI.VoiceChatProximity | 1279 |
UI.VoiceChatSquadLeader | 741 |
UI.VoiceMacro | 745 |
UI.VoiceVolumeDown | 1277 |
UI.VoiceVolumeMute | 1278 |
UI.VoiceVolumeUp | 1276 |
UI.Wave | 1284 |
UI.WeaponOptic | 769 |
UI.WeaponSlot1 | 771 |
UI.WeaponSlot2 | 772 |
UI.WeeklySaleItems | 99 |
UI.Welcome | 586 |
UI.WhisperPC | 715 |
UI.YawLeft | 784 |
UI.YawRight | 785 |
UI.YearYearYearYear | 275 |
UI.YouCurrentlyHaveNoCardsOnFile | 170 |
UI.YouHavePurchased | 258 |
UI.ZipCode | 278 |
marketplace_error_invalid_coupon | 132 |
marketplace_error_order_failure | 134 |
marketplace_error_request_unavailable | 133 |