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Use static language for QuickShop

YuanYuanOwO edited this page Aug 16, 2024 · 6 revisions

This article has been moved to new location!


we now support adaptive language selecting.

But we know some servers don't need this feature and want to use the same languages for all players, so there are steps to switch to static language.

Set the global locale

Open config.yml and search game-language, then change it to what language you want to use.

#Set the default language code the plugin should use, it will apply to:
#Item Name
#Enchantment Name,
#Potion Effect Name
#The text on the shop info sign (If NBTApi not installed)
#And other default language related text.
#Set it to default will use your system language.
#You can find the valid language code in your client language settings, like en_us
game-language: YOUR LOCALE CODE HERE

Force static language

Search enabled-languages and modify it.

#Choose which languages should be enabled
#Any client connect to server that using disabled language, will fallback to game-language option there
#Set to - '*' to enable all available languages
#The language files will automatically update thorough Crowdin OTA system, you can translate it there:
#If you want custom the language file, use language override system:

Make it work

Execute command /qs reload and it should works now.


The override file won't automatically update, you must do it by yourself once our translation have new update.