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QuickbaseAdmirer edited this page Mar 22, 2013 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the QuickBase-PHP-SDK wiki!

Welcome to the QuickBase PHP SDK Project#

The QuickBase PHP SDK is a simple class for interaction with the QuickBase REST API. It's implemented with XML (ala SimpleXML) and requests are made over HTTP with cURL.

Testing (Not all methods have been tested) For token-ization to be added to all methods Addition of missing methods All XML converted to SimpleXML Documentation and Examples Interested? Join the project and help today.

Supported Methods#

authenticate() add_field ($field_name, $type) add_record ($fields, $uploads = false) change_permission($uname, $modify, $view, $create, $save_views, $delete, $admin) change_record_owner($new_owner, $rid) clone_database($new_name, $new_desc, $keep_data = 1) create_database($db_name, $db_desc) delete_database() delete_field($fid) delete_record($rid) do_query($queries =0, $qid= 0, $qname=0, $clist = 0, $slist=0, $fmt = 'structured', $options = "") edit_record($rid, $fields, $uploads = 0, $updateid = 0) field_add_choices ($fid, $choices) field_remove_choices ($fid, $choices) find_db_by_name($db_name) gen_add_record_form($fields) gen_results_table($queries = 0, $qid = 0, $qname=0, $clist = 0, $slist = 0, $options = 0) get_db_page($page_id) get_num_records() get_record_as_html($rid) get_record_info($rid) get_schema() granted_dbs() import_from_csv($records_csv, $clist, $skip_first = 0) purge_records($queries = 0, $qid = 0, $qname = 0) set_field_properties($properties, $fid) sign_out() api_run_import($id)

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