git clone
npm install
npm start
- open browser to http://localhost:3001
rebuild character element so image, label, and say bubbles can be different z-indexes. Should also allow for more 'modular' character art
refine the way objects are stored, rendered, and interacted with
reimplement image.isVisible method, so character outlines when behind objects can be attempted
update Usage guide
build new controls for demo game
- NPCS?!?!
- more generalized api for generating and rendering world
- separate front-end and back-end modules
var Game = ISO.create({
target: 'inner',
tiles: {
1: {
type: 'grass',
imgsrc: 'grass.png'
2: {
type: 'rock',
imgsrc: 'rock.png'
target: the ID of the page element to render the game in tiles: a hash of tile type numbers (starting at 1, as 0 is always empty space), needed properties are type: the name of the tile, and imgsrc: a url where that tile's image can be found
var World = Game.GenerateDemoWorld();
var Player = Game.createLocalPlayer('Player 1', [x,y,z]);
first argument is player name, second is [x, y, z] position of player
- 'world': 3d array of the game world
- 'localPlayer': where the local player object is created
- 'remotePlayers': array of remote player objects
- 'getViewDir()': returns current game view direction
- 'setViewDir(int)': accepts integers 0-3, sets game view direction
- 'createLocalPlayer(name, position)': name = string, position = [x, y, z]
- 'initDraw()': draws entire world
- 'redrawFromPoint(x,y,z)': redraws world from a given point
- temp =>'GenerateDemoWorld()': generates a demo world
- 'addTile(type, position)': type = tile type number, position = [x, y, z] coordinates
- 'removeTile(x,y,z)': removes tile at x,y,z
- 'renderTile(x,y,z)': renders tile at x,y,z to target element
- 'clearRenderedElements()': removes all rendered world elements from target
- 'name': duh
- 'position': [x,y,z] position of player in world
- 'facing': absolute direction player is facing
- 'renderElement()': renders player element to game target
- 'removeElement()': removes player element from DOM
- 'setFacing(int)': sets players facing to the absolute direction supplied
- 'move(x,y,z)': moves player relative to current position this should change..