Web angular js as frontend, express js as backend and mysql as database This Package inclide npm backend package (express js ) and front end package(angular4)
Installation steps
- git clone https://github.com/Rajukumar468/angularjs-nodejs-mysql.git angularjs-nodejs-mysql
- cd angularjs-nodejs-mysql
- npm install (install expressjs dependency)
- cd client (go to front end directory)
- npm install (install angularjs(frontend) dependency)
- cd .. (come back to main directory "angularjs-nodejs-mysql")
- Change database settings- open index.js and do necessary changes
var con=mysql.createPool({
Note: Make sure you are using Mysql database - run "DEBUG=angularjs-nodejs-mysql:* npm start" command ( backend is up and running started)
- open http://localhost:3000/ in browser to verify backend
- cd client ( go to front end direcory(angularjs))
- ng serve (run angular)
- Open in browser http://localhost:4200/ (now angular up and running)
Now your project up and running.