As far as I checked, there are no cool implementations of SeekBarPreference. So I decided to make one.
Add this to your module dependencies:
compile 'com.pavelsikun:material-seekbar-preference:0.10+'
Reference namespace on top of your preferences layout file:
Now you can use this view in your preferences layout, just like any other normal preference.
android:title="SeekbarPreference 2"
android:summary="Some summary"
As you can see, lib provides 4 custom attributes(msbp_minValue, msbp_maxValue, msbp_interval and msbp_measurementUnit). measurementUnit is should be String or a reference to a String (measurementUnit="%" or measurementUnit="@string/my_preference_unit"). Every other attribute should be an Integer or reference to an Integer resource (interval="@integer/my_preference_interval" or interval="10"). Use them to define look and desired behavior of your preference. Prefixes used to avoid attribute collisions with other libs.
#Known bugs and planned features
- No support of RTL yet.
I'd really want to thank:
- krage for adding support for referenced resources.
- NitroG42 for pointing out to attribute collisions.
#Licence Lib is licenced under MIT licence, so you can do whatever you want with it. I'd highly recommend to push changes back to make it cooler :D