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✨ Implement update & reconcile logic
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Zeta611 committed Jun 27, 2024
1 parent 7026242 commit b492295
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55 changes: 20 additions & 35 deletions lib/
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Expand Up @@ -10,27 +10,25 @@ module rec T : sig
| Clos of clos
| Set_clos of set_clos
| Comp_clos of comp_clos
| Comp_thunk of comp_thunk
| Comp_spec of comp_spec

and clos = { param : Id.t; body : hook_free Expr.t; env : Env.t }
and set_clos = { label : Label.t; path : Path.t }
and comp_clos = { comp : Prog.comp; env : Env.t }
and comp_thunk = { comp : Prog.comp; env : Env.t; arg : value }
and view_spec = Vs_null | Vs_int of int | Vs_comp of comp_thunk
and comp_spec = { comp : Prog.comp; env : Env.t; arg : value }
and view_spec = Vs_null | Vs_int of int | Vs_comp of comp_spec

type phase = P_init | P_update | P_retry | P_effect | P_top
and decision = Idle | Retry | Update
and st_store = St_store.t
and job_q = Job_q.t

and part_view =
| Root
| Node of {
view_spec : view_spec;
dec : decision;
st_store : St_store.t;
eff_q : Job_q.t;
and part_view = {
comp_spec : comp_spec;
dec : decision;
st_store : St_store.t;
eff_q : Job_q.t;

and tree = Leaf_null | Leaf_int of int | Path of Path.t
and entry = { part_view : part_view; children : tree Snoc_list.t }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -90,41 +88,28 @@ end = struct

let lookup_st tree_mem ~path ~label =
let { part_view; _ } = Map.find_exn tree_mem path in
match part_view with
| Root -> failwith "lookup_st: Root"
| Node { st_store; _ } -> St_store.lookup st_store ~label
St_store.lookup part_view.st_store ~label

let update_st tree_mem ~path ~label (v, q) =
let ({ part_view; _ } as entry) = Map.find_exn tree_mem path in
match part_view with
| Root -> failwith "update_st: Root"
| Node ({ st_store; _ } as node) ->
let st_store = St_store.update st_store ~label ~value:(v, q) in
Map.set tree_mem ~key:path
~data:{ entry with part_view = Node { node with st_store } }
let st_store = St_store.update part_view.st_store ~label ~value:(v, q) in
Map.set tree_mem ~key:path
~data:{ entry with part_view = { part_view with st_store } }

let get_dec tree_mem ~path =
let { part_view; _ } = Map.find_exn tree_mem path in
match part_view with
| Root -> failwith "set_dec: Root"
| Node { dec; _ } -> dec

let set_dec tree_mem ~path dec =
let ({ part_view; _ } as entry) = Map.find_exn tree_mem path in
match part_view with
| Root -> failwith "set_dec: Root"
| Node node ->
Map.set tree_mem ~key:path
~data:{ entry with part_view = Node { node with dec } }
Map.set tree_mem ~key:path
~data:{ entry with part_view = { part_view with dec } }

let enq_eff tree_mem ~path clos =
let ({ part_view; _ } as entry) = Map.find_exn tree_mem path in
match part_view with
| Root -> failwith "enq_eff: Root"
| Node ({ eff_q; _ } as node) ->
let eff_q = Job_q.enqueue eff_q clos in
Map.set tree_mem ~key:path
~data:{ entry with part_view = Node { node with eff_q } }
let eff_q = Job_q.enqueue part_view.eff_q clos in
Map.set tree_mem ~key:path
~data:{ entry with part_view = { part_view with eff_q } }

let alloc_pt = Map.length
let lookup_ent tree_mem ~path = Map.find_exn tree_mem path
Expand All @@ -147,7 +132,7 @@ module Value = struct
let to_vs = function
| Unit -> Some Vs_null
| Int i -> Some (Vs_int i)
| Comp_thunk t -> Some (Vs_comp t)
| Comp_spec t -> Some (Vs_comp t)
| _ -> None

let to_vss = function View_spec vss -> Some vss | _ -> None
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Expand Up @@ -95,14 +95,14 @@ let rec eval : type a. a Expr.t -> value = function
| Clos { param; body; env } ->
let env = Env.extend env ~id:param ~value:(eval arg) in
perform (In_env env) eval body
| Comp_clos { comp; env } -> Comp_thunk { comp; env; arg = eval arg }
| Comp_clos { comp; env } -> Comp_spec { comp; env; arg = eval arg }
| Set_clos { label; path } ->
(* Argument to the setter should be a setting thunk *)
let clos = eval arg |> clos_of_value_exn in

let self_pt = perform Rd_pt in
let phase = perform Rd_ph in
if Phase.(phase = P_top) then raise Invalid_phase;
if Phase.(phase = P_top) then assert false;

let dec =
if Int.(path = self_pt) && Phase.(phase <> P_effect) then Retry
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -150,11 +150,11 @@ let rec eval : type a. a Expr.t -> value = function
perform (In_env env) eval body
| P_effect | P_top -> raise Invalid_phase)
| Eff e ->
let path = perform Rd_pt in
let phase = perform Rd_ph in
let path = perform Rd_pt
and phase = perform Rd_ph
and env = perform Rd_env in
(match phase with P_effect | P_top -> raise Invalid_phase | _ -> ());
(Enq_eff (path, { param = Id.unit; body = e; env = perform Rd_env }));
perform (Enq_eff (path, { param = Id.unit; body = e; env }));
| Seq (e1, e2) ->
eval e1 |> ignore;
Expand All @@ -173,30 +173,30 @@ let rec eval_mult : type a. a Expr.t -> value =
let v = eval expr in
let path = perform Rd_pt in
match perform (Get_dec path) with
| Retry -> eval_mult expr
| Retry -> ptph_h eval_mult expr ~ptph:(path, P_retry)
| Idle | Update -> v

let rec render (path : Path.t) (vss : view_spec list) : unit =
List.iter vss ~f:(fun vs ->
let t = render1 vs in
(* refetch the whole entry, as the children may have updated the parent *)
let ({ children; _ } as ent) = perform (Lookup_ent path) in
(Update_ent (path, { ent with children = Snoc_list.(children ||> t) })))

and render1 : view_spec -> tree = function
| Vs_null -> Leaf_null
| Vs_int i -> Leaf_int i
| Vs_comp { comp = { param; body; _ }; env; arg } as view_spec ->
| Vs_comp ({ comp = { param; body; _ }; env; arg } as comp_spec) ->
let path = perform Alloc_pt
and env = Env.extend env ~id:param ~value:arg
and part_view =
dec = Idle;
st_store = St_store.empty;
eff_q = Job_q.empty;
dec = Idle;
st_store = St_store.empty;
eff_q = Job_q.empty;
perform (Update_ent (path, { part_view; children = [] }));

Expand All @@ -208,13 +208,69 @@ and render1 : view_spec -> tree = function

Path path

let rec update (path : Path.t) : unit =
let {
part_view = { comp_spec = { comp = { param; body; _ }; env; arg }; dec; _ };
} =
perform (Lookup_ent path)
match dec with
| Retry -> assert false
| Idle -> Snoc_list.iter children ~f:update1
| Update ->
let env = Env.extend env ~id:param ~value:arg in
let vss =
(eval_mult |> env_h ~env |> ptph_h ~ptph:(path, P_update)) body
|> vss_of_value_exn

let old_trees =
children |> Snoc_list.to_list
|> Util.pad_or_truncate ~len:(List.length vss)
(* TODO: We assume that updates from a younger sibling to an older sibling
are not dropped, while those from an older sibling to a younger sibling
are. That's why we are resetting the children list and then snoc each
child again in the reconcile function. We should verify this
behavior. *)
let ent = perform (Lookup_ent path) in
perform (Update_ent (path, { ent with children = [] }));
reconcile path old_trees vss

and update1 : tree -> unit = function
| Leaf_null | Leaf_int _ -> ()
| Path path -> update path

and reconcile (path : Path.t) (old_trees : tree option list)
(vss : view_spec list) : unit =
List.iter2_exn old_trees vss ~f:(fun old_tree new_vs ->
let t =
match (old_tree, new_vs) with
| Some (Leaf_null as t), Vs_null -> t
| Some (Leaf_int i as t), Vs_int j when i = j -> t
| Some (Path pt as t), (Vs_comp { comp = { name; _ }; arg; _ } as vs) ->
let {
part_view =
{ comp_spec = { comp = { name = name'; _ }; arg = arg'; _ }; _ };
} =
perform (Lookup_ent pt)
if Id.(name = name') && Value.(arg = arg') then (
update1 t;
else render1 vs
| _, vs -> render1 vs
let ({ children; _ } as ent) = perform (Lookup_ent path) in
(Update_ent (path, { ent with children = Snoc_list.(children ||> t) })))

let rec commit_effs (path : Path.t) : unit =
let { part_view; children } = perform (Lookup_ent path) in
(match part_view with
| Root -> ()
| Node { eff_q; _ } ->
Job_q.iter eff_q ~f:(fun { body; env; _ } ->
env_h eval body ~env |> ignore));
Job_q.iter part_view.eff_q ~f:(fun { body; env; _ } ->
env_h eval body ~env |> ignore);

Snoc_list.iter children ~f:commit_effs1

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12 changes: 10 additions & 2 deletions lib/
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Expand Up @@ -8,5 +8,13 @@ let rec iter t ~(f : 'a -> unit) : unit =
match t with
| [] -> ()
| Snoc (l, a) ->
f a;
iter l ~f
iter l ~f;
f a

let[@tail_mod_cons] rec to_list : 'a t -> 'a list = function
| [] -> []
| Snoc (l, a) -> a :: to_list l

let[@tail_mod_cons] rec of_list : 'a list -> 'a t = function
| [] -> []
| a :: l -> Snoc (of_list l, a)
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Expand Up @@ -2,9 +2,31 @@ open! Base

module Map_key (T : sig
type t

val sexp_of_t : t -> Sexp.t
val t_of_sexp : Sexp.t -> t
val of_string : string -> t
val to_string : t -> string
val ( <= ) : t -> t -> bool
val ( >= ) : t -> t -> bool
val ( = ) : t -> t -> bool
val ( < ) : t -> t -> bool
val ( > ) : t -> t -> bool
val ( <> ) : t -> t -> bool
val compare : t -> t -> int
val min : t -> t -> t
val max : t -> t -> t
val ascending : t -> t -> int
val descending : t -> t -> int
val between : t -> low:t -> high:t -> bool
val clamp_exn : t -> min:t -> max:t -> t
val clamp : t -> min:t -> max:t -> t Or_error.t

type comparator_witness

val comparator : (t, comparator_witness) Comparator.t
val hash : t -> int
val equal : t -> t -> bool
end) =
include T
Expand All @@ -16,3 +38,10 @@ struct
let empty = empty (module T)

let pad_or_truncate (lst : 'a list) ~(len : int) : 'a option list =
let open List in
let l = length lst in
let pad = if l < len then init (len - l) ~f:(fun _ -> None) else [] in
let lst = take lst len in
map ~f:(fun x -> Some x) lst @ pad

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