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Tokens to Figma script

Brian Ferry edited this page Apr 18, 2024 · 1 revision

Tokens to Figma script


Figma Developer API

Figma.cjs script

To push our tokens to Figma the file rhds.tokens.json is looped through and added to a payload inside of the script.

This is done in three steps:

  1. Creating the collection
  2. Looping through the tokens
  3. Pushing to Figma

Running the script

The script can be run with the following:

npm run figma -- [yourApiToken] [yourFileId]

The yourApiToken is your personal Figma API token. This can be found in the Figma account settings.

The yourFileId is the file id of the Figma file you want to push the tokens to. This can be found in the URL of the Figma file.

The brackets [] are not needed in the command.


The collections are created by calling the createCollection function. This function will create an object in the global figmapApiPayload object under variableCollections.

The collections variable can be found on line 7 of the script. We create the following collections:

  • default - The default collection for the tokens
    • Default mode is default
  • dark - The dark mode tokens
    • Default mode is dark
  • light - The light mode tokens
    • Default mode is light
  • color - The color pallete tokens
    • Default mode is color
  • semantic - The light and dark mode collections combined.
    • Default mode is semantic-light
    • Contains the second mode of semantic-dark.


The tokens are looped through by calling the loopTokens function. This function will take the values in the JSON file and format them into the correct format for the Figma API.

This happens in four steps:

  • Determine the type of the token
  • Determine the value of the token
  • Determine the collection for the token
  • Add the token to the payload

Determine the type of the token

There are three types of tokens supported by this script:

  • COLOR - A color token
  • FLOAT - A number token
  • STRING - Everything else

Determine the value of the token

COLOR - We parse whether or not the color is specific to a light or dark theme. Then the color is parsed into an object with the keys r, g, and b.

If the value is not specific to a light or dark theme, we add the value to the color collection.

If the value is specific to a light or dark theme, we add the value to the light or dark collection. We also add the value to the semantic collection.

All Other Tokens - Add the value to the default collection.

Push to Figma

We take the completed payload and POST it to the Figma API. The API will return a response with the collection and tokens.