Welcome to the openventilator project.
Based on the information given by Jeremias Almada from Argentina we are developing an OpenSource Ventilator for the Covid-19 Crisis.
The idea is to provide a reliable source of ventilation for people in dificult economical situations. The parts are made to be easilly found, thechnical features are still being decided, the ventilator has not being validated yet.
This initiative was taken by Jeremias who I Contacted for information on the project and that asked me on a way of making the project OpenSource.
Please follow the rules of the community Also don't forget that many questions have been asked before you had the same question, so please check our FAQ
Documentation, Hardware, Design and Code discussions: https://bit.ly/2xdUap2
Do you want to know in what point is the project? Please check the #TakenDecision Channel on OurSlack
Speciall thanks to:
- Jeremias Almada (Project Designer)
- Juan Luis Méndez Ambrosio (my father and ethernal mentor) & Electronics
- Fabian Franz (developer from Germany)
- Jose Ignácio Méndez
- Washington Perez Designer from Argentina
- Jaqueline Passos Programmer and Developer
- Amanda Pellini Marketing and PR
- Marguelgtz from Mexico leading the Scrum project
- Henrique Aguilar funding and commercial operation
The MIT guys from this paper: Abdul Mohsen Al Husseini, Heon Ju Lee, Justin Negrete, Stephen Powelson, Amelia Servil, Alexander Slocum, Jussi Saukkonen.
All our families, wifes and husbands that for the last days have been supporting us on our crazyness All the doctors, nurses and paramedics on the field fighting this common enemy