return a string describing the current GL connection
generate buffer object names
bind (select -> for use) a named buffer object to a specified target
buffer == 0 -> any previously bound buffer object gets unbound -> frees memory
buffer are local to the shared object space of the current GL rendering context
creates and initializes / overwrites a buffer object's data store
data == NULL -> no data gets copied
buffer object currently bound to target is used
enable a generic vertex attribute array
define an array of generic vertex attribute data
creates a shader object
replaces the source code in a shader object
compiles a shader object
returns a parameter from a shader object
returns the information log for a shader object
in length the length of the output string (excluding NULL termination character) gets returned, unless length is set to NULL
deletes a shader object
undoes glCreateShader
shader objects that are attached to a program doesn't get immediately deleted -> gets flagged for deletion when detached
creates a program object
program objects are used to link (multiple) shader together
attaches a shader object to a program object -> this shader will be included in the link operations that will be performed on the specified program
links a program object
when the program is currently in use:
- linking successful -> new executables will get installed
- linking not successful -> old executables will stay and the programs link status will be set to GL_FALSE
##glValidateProgram validates a program object
typically useful only during development
installs a program object as part of current rendering state
clear buffers to preset values
render primitives from array data
deletes a program object
undoes glCreateProgram
when the program is currently in use -> flagged for deletion -> gets deleted when not in use any more
render primitives from array data
specify a callback to receive debugging messages from the GL
enable server-side GL capabilities
return error information
should be called repeatedly -> until returns GL_NO_ERROR
returns the location of a uniform variable
querying a specified uniform variable in a specified program
has to be called for each element <- when querying an array
has to be used after linking
specify the value of a uniform variable for the current program object
operates on the currently used program
generate vertex array object names
bind a vertex array object
generate texture names
bind a named texture to a texturing target
set texture parameters
specify a two-dimensional texture image
texturing allows elements of an image array to be read by shaders
select active texture unit
specify pixel arithmetic (the factors for source and destination blending)
specify the equation used for both the RGB blend equation and the Alpha blend equation
map all of a buffer object's data store into the client's address space
release the mapping of a buffer object's data store into the client's address space
updates a subset of a buffer object's data store