Extract informative k-mers from unmapped sequences.
The software is included in a Singularity image. To use it you just need to install Singularity, or load the corresponding module if you are working on a cluster, and pull the image:
singularity pull docker://cloxd/extract_unmapped:0.1
This will create a file, extract_unmapped_0.1.sif, that contains the software and the whole environment. The image is stored in dockerhub, so you can use Docker in alternative.
The software identify the k-mers whose aboundance can classify the samples belonging to two or more different groups. The methods uses a Bayesian Classifier, implemented in the library mlpack3.
As first step is necessary to extract the unmapped reads from the bam files your samples. The image includes a script, preprocess.sh, that performs automatically this first step.
singularity exec extract_unmapped_0.1.sif preprocess.sh \
-i samples.tsv \
-o ./preprocessed \
-ol ./create_matrix.tsv \
-r 8 \
-t 4
You can have a full list of arguments with the corresponding description with
singularity exec extract_unmapped_0.1.sif preprocess.sh -h
The input file, in the exaple samples.tsv, has to be a tab separated value file with three columns:
- Sample name
- Sample group
- BAM file location
sample1 responsive /home/user/data/sample1.bam
sample2 unresponsive /home/user/data/sample2.bam
The following step requires to build a matrix header, that will allow the software to retrieve all the columns for the reduction process.
singularity exec extract_unmapped_0.1.sif ExtractUnmapped matrix \
-i ./create_matrix.tsv
-o ./matrix.json
The last step will analyse k-mer by k-mer to identify those that can be used to classify the samples in the different classes using a Bayes classsifier. The metric used for the evaluation is the accuracy ( number of correct classification divided by the total number of test ) using on a Monte Carlo cross validation.
singularity exec extract_unmapped_0.1.sif ExtractUnmapped reduce \
-i ./matrix.json \
-o ./reduced_matrix.tsv
Additional arguments are available to tune the cross validation step and the accuracy threshold. To have a detailed list, use:
singularity exec extract_unmapped_0.1.sif ExtractUnmapped reduce -h
The output file is a tab separated value table with the name of the k-mer as first column and one column for each pairwise comparison's accuracies. For example if you have 3 groups A, B and C, the output file will have the following header:
kmer A_x_B A_x_C B_x_C