Sprint 4 (21/Jan/19 - 17/Feb/19)
Closed Feb 21, 2019
95% complete
- Upload request time out bug will be resolved
- Multipart upload will be implemented
- Design user profile page
- Mechanism to upload files in best suited drive
- Completion of the Tags functionality
- Followers and Following will be added
- Download & upload progress will be added on front-end
- Export metadata of files
- Generate a link for a file to be downloaded (whi…
- Upload request time out bug will be resolved
- Multipart upload will be implemented
- Design user profile page
- Mechanism to upload files in best suited drive
- Completion of the Tags functionality
- Followers and Following will be added
- Download & upload progress will be added on front-end
- Export metadata of files
- Generate a link for a file to be downloaded (which will not need any token )
-search by speech