CHAT-ROOM is a messaging application and it has two main modes first one is Public-Chat and second one is Private-Chat so user can go with the specific choice. Moreover, User can switch mode at any time by using some specific commands so features are very easy accessible. In addition, on Server-Side there are some privileges like first one is kick so server side person can kick anyone at anytime and second one is blocking so server side mantainer can block anyone. Right now it can only operate by command line but GUI is also coming soon.
Use Clone Command To Install CHAT-ROOM:
$ git clone
For Installing Dependencies:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
For Starting Server:
$ python3 Start_Server activate
For Starting Client:
$ python3 Start_Client activate
For Help:
$ python3 - -- --help
To Switch Private Chat:
To Exit Chat-Room:
To Block User:
To Accept Chat Request:
Firstly Activate Environment:
$ source Env/bin/activate
Secondly Install Dependencies:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Next Step:
Always Import Modules In
Always Use Logger For Debugging Purposes
Always Run Tests:
$ pytest
$ pytest
$ pytest