会变色的 ViewPager 先放效果图: github 地址 这个是在PagerSlidingTabStrip基础上做的2次开发, 主要实现了 TabStrip背景颜色随着 ViewPager 滑动的变换.以及字体颜色的变化.并将颜色的变换实时通知出来出来. 添加了 tab 选中以后字体颜色的变化
ViewpagerAdapter viewpagerAdapter=new ViewpagerAdapter(getSupportFragmentManager(),fragments,titles);
//ViewPager 设置适配器
//pagerSlidingTabStrip 设置 ViewPager
//注册观察者,观察 pagerSlidingTabStrip 背景颜色的变换
pagerSlidingTabStrip.setBackgroundColorObserve(new PagerSlidingTabStrip.BackgroundColorObserve() {
public void change(int color) {
//将屏幕设置跟pagerSlidingTabStrip 同色
getSupportActionBar().setBackgroundDrawable(new ColorDrawable(color));
//设置pagerSlidingTabStrip 每个 tab 的背景颜色
pstsIndicatorColor Color of the sliding indicator
pstsUnderlineColor Color of the full-width line on the bottom of the view
pstsDividerColor Color of the dividers between tabs
pstsIndicatorHeightHeight of the sliding indicator
pstsUnderlineHeight Height of the full-width line on the bottom of the view
pstsDividerPadding Top and bottom padding of the dividers
pstsTabPaddingLeftRight Left and right padding of each tab
pstsScrollOffset Scroll offset of the selected tab
pstsTabBackground Background drawable of each tab, should be a StateListDrawable
pstsShouldExpand If set to true, each tab is given the same weight, default false
pstsTextAllCaps If true, all tab titles will be upper case, default true
pstsSelectTitleColor Color of the tab's text that is select State