This puppet module configures Synapse, a service discovery system by Airbnb. Synapse configures a local HAproxy running on every node, configured dynamically from Zookeeper entries.
puppet module install KyleAnderson/synapse
# Or librarian-puppet, r10k, whatever.
###What this module affects
- /etc/synapse/ for configs
- Installs synapse (either via gem or system package
- Installs and configures HAproxy
###HAproxy considerations
This module is incompatible with an existing instance of HAProxy running. Synapse overwrites the HAProxy config file.
##Usage Examples
Start off by getting synapse installed and running:
class { 'synapse':
package_provider => 'gem'
Now you can prep synapse for listening for services. Syntax is a little tricky, but follows the syntax in example configs. All parameters are validated, so puppet won't let you insert invalid syntax:
synapse::service { 'service1':
default_servers => [
"name" => "default1",
"host" => "localhost",
"port" => 8422
discovery => {
"method" => "zookeeper",
"path" => "/airbnb/service/service2",
"hosts" => [
haproxy => {
"port" => '3214',
"server_options" => "check inter 2s rise 3 fall 2",
"listen" => [
"mode http",
"option httpchk /health",
ensure => 'present',
I assume that you are using a modern version of ruby on the puppetmaster. It outputs json, so either use ruby 1.9 with built in JSON or have the JSON gem available. Pull requests welcome for a better way to do this.
##Development Open an issue or fork and open a Pull Request