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Auden Childress edited this page Sep 28, 2020 · 6 revisions

The final design can be found at: If you cannot access it, please let me know. Mockflow only allowed 3 pages, so the most import ones were selected.

** Page 1 - Brushes **

The Brushes page grants access to several different brushes - a mode of editing similar to that found within Photoshop. Internally, this is our raster rendering, as it is based on pixels rather than relativity, as with vectors.

  • The solid brush is one that is a user defined shape and the pixel is either drawn or not. Via the Brush Designer, the user can create their own solid brushes, should none of the default ones meet their needs. This brush will be saved and added to the menu for later. Solid brushes can be imported through the specialty menu in the case that their brush was created on a different machine/installation.
  • A radial brush is specifically for circular brushes as it allows the user to give falloff to the edges of their brush, creating gentle blends. This brush, via the same slider affecting falloff, can also allow tiered falloff, similar to that found within cel shaded works.
  • The specialty brushes include those that have unique features and are handled differently on the backend.
  • The pattern brush allows users to brush an area with a pattern without worry of overlap or constrains of complexity. The user can create their own patterns via the Pattern Designer, or use one of the default ones provided.
  • The filter brush allows the user to modify the raster layer with filters, but without applying them to the whole image at once.
  • The burn tool functions the same as it would in any photo editing software - by darkening the color.
  • The dodge tool functions the same as it would in any photo editing software - by lightening the color.

Each brush can have it's color modified, as well as it's strength of application and scale (radius). the application method can also be changed between additive (creating tints), subtractive (creating shades), blending (creating hues), and overwrite (replacing the existing color completely). The user can also choose to spray their brush, should they wish to create a granular effect.

As an aside about the main screen of the software, the frames of the import media (if it were a video, not a still) will be displayed at the bottom. They will be scrollable. The current frame/still being edited will be displayed in the central most part of the screen. The menubar contains the items File, Edit (subject to change), Settings, About. File contains the items Save, Save As, Open Recent (a submenu), Open, Import, Export, and Close. The About menu will contain Help and About; the Help linking to a html doc openable in any web browser, and the about listing basic info on the developers such as website, report bug link/email, any associated info.

** Page 2 - Dialogs **

  • The Radial Profiler is the tool with which the user define the profile (falloff) of the Radial brush. The color of the curve is indicative of the strength of the brush at that radius from the center.
  • The Pattern Designer allows the user to create their own pattern and apply it via a brush. It's editing mode will function similarly to the solid brush painting on the raster layers, and thus will rely on the same backend functions. Future features may come.
  • The Brush Designer allows the users to create their own brush shapes for the Solid brush. As with the Pattern Designer, this too will rely on the same backend functions. Future features may come.
  • The Filtering dialog allows the user to select a filter, which will (unlike shown) display a before and after of a frame from their input range, however if none exists, the current frame is used. This method allow frames to have many applied filters, and filters to have various frame application ranges.
  • The import dialog will allow basic video cutting and trimming, should the import be a video and not a still. Future features may come.
  • The export dialog will basic editing of the same nature as the Import dialog. the Resolution of export will be the choice of the user via our scaling functions. Basic interpolation up to 60fps is a thought in progress. Retaining the audio of the original video or importing new audio, and the ability to loop these, are the choice of the user. These too are thoughts in progress.
  • The exported rotoscope video can have either of two modes of film grain applied, if desired, and their strength modulated via a slider (not featured in diagram). Multiple export file formats will also be available.

Due to the mundane nature of settings dialogs, it was not featured.

** Page 3 - Vectors **

The vectors menu, similar to that of the brushes, will be a part of the main 'view' of the software. The user can apply various shapes and lines to the media, replicating the type of editing found within Adobe Illustrator. The optional are mostly the same as with the brushes. Future features may come.

As an additional note about the editing types, there exists a third which is unfeatured. Unlike the raster and vector editing types, this type will require little user input as it is AI based effects. As the features and their scopes have not been fully grasped, a page could not be created for it.


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