A specimen to data tracking tool for SEARCH SARS-CoV-2 tests. The application is used by SEARCH technicians to track samples as they proceed through each step within the qPCR testing workflow. The app is currently hosted here: http://inspect-covid.com/qpcr_records/
INSPECT app is a web-based application written in the django framework.
Module | Version |
asgiref | 3.2.7 |
bokeh | 2.0.2 (required if you want to display a dashboard counter) |
boto3 | 1.13.6 (required if you want to store backup files on AWS S3) |
botocore | 1.16.6 (required if you want to store backup files on AWS S3) |
coverage | 5.1 |
Django | 3.0.5 |
django-crispy-forms | 1.9.0 |
django-storages | 1.9.1 |
django-tables2 | 2.3.1 |
docutils | 0.15.2 |
Jinja2 | 2.11.2 |
jmespath | 0.9.5 |
MarkupSafe | 1.1.1 |
numpy | 1.18.4 |
packaging | 20.4 |
pandas | 1.0.3 |
Pillow | 7.1.2 |
psycopg2 | 2.8.5 (required if you want to use a postgres database) |
pyparsing | 2.4.7 |
python-dateutil | 2.8.1 |
python-decouple | 3.3 |
pytz | 2020.1 |
PyYAML | 5.3.1 |
s3transfer | 0.3.3 |
six | 1.14.0 |
sqlparse | 0.3.1 |
tablib | 1.1.0 |
tornado | 6.0.4 |
typing-extensions | |
urllib3 | 1.25.9 |
xlrd | 1.2.0 |
git clone https://github.com/shassathe/covid_qPCR_test.git
cd covid_qPCR_test
pip install -r requirements.txt
For postgres users, you will have to create a local or remote (AWS RDS) instance of the database. Settings to connect to either local or remote database are available in the settings.py file For using other database instances, please refer here : https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.0/ref/databases/
Create migrations
cd covid_qPCR_test/
python manage.py makemigrations
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py migrate --run-syncdb
Create super-user credentials for app management
python manage.py createsuperuser
To start the server on localhost:
python manage.py runserver
Docker image for standalone instance of INSPECT tracking system