PELUX Software Factory documentation
Software Factory is maintained at
Maintainer: Joakim Gross [email protected]
- cmake
- Sphinx
- sphinxcontrib-seqdiag
- sphinxcontrib-blockdiag
- sphinxcontrib-actdiag
- sphinxcontrib-manpage
- sphinxcontrib-spelling
- sphinx_rtd_theme
- texlive-latex-base (when building PDF)
- texlive-latex-extra (when building PDF)
- texlive-latex-recommended (when building PDF)
sudo apt-get install cmake python-pip
sudo pip install sphinxcontrib-seqdiag sphinxcontrib-blockdiag \
sphinxcontrib-actdiag sphinxcontrib-manpage sphinxcontrib-spelling \
The project uses cmake to configure the build. Supported options are:
- Enables building the docs in PDF format. Set to OFF by default
Check out the swf-blueprint submodule like so:
git submodule update --init
Configure and build from the git top dir like so:
cmake -H. -Bbuild
cd build
After a successfull build you can find the documentation in build/docs/html/
if you open the index.html
in your browser you will see the entry point.
A spell check is performed during the build step by default. It uses in-built language specific dictionaries and project specific dictionaries (spelling_wordlist.txt) to verify the spellings and causes the build to fail in case of any typos.
The project, which uses this blueprint, should have its own custom dictionary,
similar to the one in blueprint (spelling_wordlist.txt). One can supply
multiple word lists to the spell-checker plugin, see
The spell checker is added as a custom target, so to run it manually, simply type (after running cmake):
make spelling
To build the docs without checking the spelling, type:
make sphinx-html
Copyright (C) Pelagicore AB 2017
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA.
Code and scripts are licensed under LGPL 2.1
SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0